My daughter skis on 9900SLR and at 16m & 14m suffers from some slack rope out of 135. While we work away on technique changes to help, has anyone any advice on fin/wing changes that might be worth trying. She is running 8deg wing, & we tried 9deg with minor improvement. Fin is factory depth, factory dft and some tip out.
NickA wrote:
My daughter skis on 9900SLR and at 16m & 14m suffers from some slack rope out of 135. While we work away on technique changes to help, has anyone any advice on fin/wing changes that might be worth trying. She is running 8deg wing, & we tried 9deg with minor improvement. Fin is factory depth, factory dft and some tip out.
The 1st question is; is she LFF or right?
If she is LFF this is her "On-side" turns. Which would possibly call for a fwd. only movement of the fin. This adjustment will tighten the radius slightly and possibly correct the slack.
If she is RFF, these our her Off-side turns. Which could possibly be more technique, then fin adjustment. But, if technique is O.K. and depending upon what the ski is actually doing through the turn, it may call for a little more length (tip) or 1/32" less depth.
Sounds like another job for: The virtual coaching staff!
Thanks for input - RFF (sorry thats the R in SLR). I was going to try a bit more tip. Hadn't considered reducing depth, what might the downside be? And yes it probably would be time for virtual coaching although I was going to wait for the spring. Thanks again.
Ya, Sorry... I was hurrying too fast to notice the "SLR"... -woops!
A Shallower fin: The ski will turn with a shorter rad. and have a more pronounced tail slide. The ski will roll onto edge and produce more dramatic edge changes...
But, with insuficient fin area or depth, the off side is More difficult to negotiate. There must be suficient fin area to adequately support the off side turn...
Thanks again, will try on Friday & see what happens!
I think I would focus more on technique. Goode factory settings are usually right on. The way I understand it, slack is caused by "down course" speed in excess of that needed. It is usually a result of staying on the "pulling" edge too long. This can be a result of a previous (onside) turn where the boat catches her out too wide, instead of right behind the boat. I would focus on the previous turn first and see that she is doing that correctly, then try to make sure she is casting the ski out to max width as she comes into the 1, 3, 5 side and not skiing right to the ball on her pulling edge. I would be interested to get Wade's or Chris's opinion on this too?