My ebay ski should arrive tomorrow (hopefully), does anyone have the factory settings for a 66" 2007 model?
Well, my ski turned up. Except it is a 66" Sixam SS. Not sure if this is a good thing or not. Only way to find out is to put some bindings on top and tr it out at the weekend.
Seems like there is a shortage of recommended settings on this one... Please let us know what you learn!
I also have this ski and would love more information about settings. Factory has been working for me thus far, but this is my 1st season skiing (converted wakeboarder) 2 @34 15' off, so my opinion isn't very valid.
I don't have calipers yet, but I will get my settings and post them when I do
*Edit.. to clarify I have the 66'' Sixam SS*
Last edited by Essvar (Fri, Sep 25, 2009 4:45 PM)
Love that (converted wakeboarder) If you are looking for a challenge in sport. course skiing is a great outlet IMO.
Tried the 66" Sixam SS yesterday evening. Definitely sks different to the Sixam 2.0 Point. I did not ski well (40 miles in 2.5hrs on the M25 put paid to that). What I did notice though was the 'sweet spot' seems to be very defined and when I hit the ski was very controlled. An expresion I've seen on this forum used is 'the ski turns like it is on rails'. Also noticed that during my gate pull out, if I'm not in a balanced position then I can feel movement from the tail of the ski. Which is very strange.
I paid $168 on ebay for this new ski, and think I can afford to stick with it for a while.
What settings are you running Colin? The tail on my ski seems very planted (unless I am using a RTP)
I just did my measurements- current settings are
Length 6.85
Depth 2.53
Wing 7deg
Distance to tail .71
Front binding- 29 1/2 inches from heel to tail