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#1 Sun, Oct 4, 2009 4:01 AM

Slalom Mentor
Skis At: mudhole
Foot Forward: right

Airhead Ski Ropes on Ebay

I need a new and where I live I have to order just about everything.
I saw it on ebay so I was just wondering if they are any good, they are cheap,  They have an 8 section with handle for 30 dollars.




#2 Sun, Oct 4, 2009 12:59 PM

Karma:   10 
Water Ski Sage
Skis At: Old Hickory Lake, TN.
Foot Forward: left

Re: Airhead Ski Ropes on Ebay

I bought 1 of those off Ebay with a radiused handle last winter. It's a much thicker rope then most, But it works great. I Love the Rad. handle, that alone was worth the $30.00. I even made a cool Blue "Arm Guard" for it!cool

"Warning" -the Surgeon General has determined; That the preceding statements accurately reflect the views and opinions consistent with "DSS" (Delusional Slalomitis Syndrome) a highly contagious life altering condition... (Handle with Extreme care & Patience)


#3 Sun, Oct 4, 2009 3:15 PM

Slalom Mentor
Skis At: mudhole
Foot Forward: right

Re: Airhead Ski Ropes on Ebay

Good to hear, I was thinking rope and handle 30 dollars is pretty cheap, I didn't want it to break the first time I used it. 
I guess I will buy two.



#4 Sun, Oct 4, 2009 3:35 PM

Karma:   15 
Pro Skier
From: Lynn, MA
Registered: Tue, May 15, 2007
Posts: 1087
Skis At: Not short enough
Foot Forward: Right

Re: Airhead Ski Ropes on Ebay

Can you link us to it?

I'm not sure how many strands this rope is and what the quality of the line is, but it's reallly cheap. You don't want the rope to break when you're skiing.



#5 Sun, Oct 4, 2009 4:56 PM

Karma:   10 
Water Ski Sage
Skis At: Old Hickory Lake, TN.
Foot Forward: left

Re: Airhead Ski Ropes on Ebay

It's the thickest rope I've seen... I can take a comparison shot if needed.

How about that H2oDawg brand Arm Protector!  (it's a knock off, and so is the quality...)
Click on Mini photo to enlarge!?!?

Last edited by h20dawg79 (Mon, Oct 5, 2009 12:09 PM)

"Warning" -the Surgeon General has determined; That the preceding statements accurately reflect the views and opinions consistent with "DSS" (Delusional Slalomitis Syndrome) a highly contagious life altering condition... (Handle with Extreme care & Patience)


#6 Sun, Oct 4, 2009 6:50 PM

Slalom Mentor
Skis At: mudhole
Foot Forward: right

Re: Airhead Ski Ropes on Ebay


#7 Sun, Oct 4, 2009 6:57 PM

Slalom Mentor
Skis At: mudhole
Foot Forward: right

Re: Airhead Ski Ropes on Ebay


here is what I believe to be their home page.


#8 Mon, Oct 5, 2009 2:37 PM

Karma:   15 
Pro Skier
From: Lynn, MA
Registered: Tue, May 15, 2007
Posts: 1087
Skis At: Not short enough
Foot Forward: Right

Re: Airhead Ski Ropes on Ebay

ToddF wrote:

Good to hear, I was thinking rope and handle 30 dollars is pretty cheap, I didn't want it to break the first time I used it. 
I guess I will buy two.


16 strand, 3/8 inch... 1600pound tensil strength... Looks pretty good!

Not sure how accurate the length is... but if you're not worried about setting any records it looks like a great deal.

I dont really like the way it looks like the knot is at the front of the Y in the handle, but then again I'm sort of anal about what handle I ski with.

Thanks for posting!



#9 Mon, Oct 5, 2009 3:03 PM


Re: Airhead Ski Ropes on Ebay

We have several of these ropes at our club -- a member get's a bunch of them off eBay in the spring and sells them to others.

After skiing them for a few months they are all about 2' (yes, feet) longer than my broken-in Masterline rope at the 22' mark.  Otherwise, they are good recreational ropes and have held up fine in terms of construction without any breaking.


#10 Mon, Oct 5, 2009 3:27 PM

Slalom Mentor
Skis At: mudhole
Foot Forward: right

Re: Airhead Ski Ropes on Ebay

two feet that is amazing.  How did you determine that, or choose to measure the rope. was it noticable, like wow all of a sudden I sure am skiing better.


#11 Mon, Oct 5, 2009 4:23 PM


Re: Airhead Ski Ropes on Ebay

Actually my partner and I heard of a lot of big PB's coming in at the club and felt left out.  So one day while it was just us out there, for the heck of it we grabbed someones eBay rope from the shed, hooked up both on the deck post and leaned a little on the other ends.

The biggest difference was at 22', but even at 32' there was around an 18" difference.  The handles were legit lengths.

Then we measured our ropes against one another to check the validity of our test (we both have ML rops), and they were within 3" of each other at all line lengths.  We didn't want to burst any bubbles at the club though and be SD's so we kept the test to ourselves.

Last edited by PSM (Mon, Oct 5, 2009 4:25 PM)


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