Need instructions on how to heat mold RS1 liners with a convection oven, Thanks.
I just used a hair drier. Nothing special. Held the nozzle about five inches above the collar of the liner, doing that allowed the air to circulate and keep the boots from overheating. After about three minutes the liners were nice and toasty and. as far as I could tell, evenly heated. I did stop and check the liner about every 20 seconds to make sure the liner was not scorching; who would think it, but it turns out hair driers get really hot. This more closely resembles the Intuition oven that is shown in the directions that come with the liners: heat is heat, but because the card calls for the liners to be heated while they are in the shells. Both methods will work, this seemed a little more hassle free to me.
ScotChipman wrote:
Try this. … ch2004.pdf
I used this method. It was EZ and worked great just as shown in video...
I put a thermometer in the oven to make sure I kept the temp between 200 and 225 5 minutes one side flipped it over 2 minutes other side took it out put it in the shell on the ski and put my foot in it until it cooled down or about 5 minutes. I also put a little bit of paper towel in the toe to give my toes a little more room. I did one binding at a time. Skied them the next day. took about two passes and man did I like them.