How do you know if you have a front or rear binding. Are the bolt patterns different and would it have an effect on ones skiing?
I have an HO phantom 2x in the front and would like to replace it, if I could find another phantom that is new I would rather do that,
online some of the pictures look just like my front, but say they are rears. So I am confused
Any input?
The front plate will have slots at the toe, set holes in the middle, and slots at the heel.
The rear plate tapers at the back and has about 2 inches of metal extending past the heel.
I'm pretty sure that the boots are the same, unlike the animals. Even if you get a rear boot,
you should be able to move it onto the front plate that you already have.
That is what I was hoping. Thanks
HO 410 wrote:
I'm pretty sure that the boots are the same, unlike the animals. Even if you get a rear boot,
you should be able to move it onto the front plate that you already have.
That is incorrect. The Phantom back boot and front boot are not the same length (overall), the back boot has four lace guides while the front boot has six, and the screw placements that anchor the boot to the plates are radically different.
The only way you could mount a Phantom rear boot onto a Phantom front plate would be to modify the plate (drill new holes), and after you did that you would still be disappointed.
I stand quite corrected.
The plates are pretty distinctive though.
Great information.
Thanks This site can be and is a great resource.