I currently have a Connelly Draft front binding on my Senate. It makes me feel chlostrophobic with my ankel so locked at 22 degrees. Does the Vector have the ability for ankle movement forward and backward. I like pointing my toes forward on my starts. The Radar dealer is 65 miles away. Open water skiing only. Thanks in advance
I'm not sure I understand the question (you lost me w/ the part about the toes...mine are only able to point forward) . I have a Vector on my Senate. Going for a cold water rip tomorrow...like you...mostly open water (but I wish I had a Radar dealer w/in only 65 miles). If you clarify the question, I'll do my best to answer it.
I have never actually used Drafts (but spent quite awhile this summer repairing my buddy's). By appearance, they are much more rigid then the Vectors. The Vectors do allow fore and aft flex of the ankle. They are kind of hard to explain...ridiculously comfortable, and soft feeling, yet supportive at the same time. They are so comfortable, that there is an initial worry that they won't support adequately. This disappears after a couple runs. IMHO, they give all the support and control I could want. Plus, no slime needed.
Last edited by davemac (Tue, Oct 20, 2009 12:39 PM)
Thanks you answered my question.Toes forward is probably aft movement. At 45 I don't know if it is muscle memory poor form bad knees or all of the above the fixed forward ankles made my starts inconsistent and more work. Look forward to the Vectors. Thanks Rick
Last edited by ricar116 (Tue, Oct 20, 2009 9:22 AM)
Glad I could help. Enjoy the new boots...I'm sure you'll be pleased w/ them.
One more thing...(particularly coming from the Drafts), you are going to be tempted to want to really tighten down the laces on the Vectors...not necessary...don't overtighten them.
Last edited by davemac (Tue, Oct 20, 2009 12:38 PM)
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