By the Ski Log Leaderboard, we're currently at 6,949 sets logged since we went live with MySkiLog
Can we, as a team, ski 51 more times this year?
Shout out to those of you in the southern hemisphere where it's just getting into summer!
Lots of new things coming for next year based on the ski log...
Wish i could help but our site's have gone solid. Really cold in Utah with no snow. "makes me bitter"!!!!!!
Later MC
I just need a chance to get out on the water.... (aka a driver who's wiling to pull me in the cold) then I'll be loggin' all my sets!
I'm planning to get another 10 sets before the end of the year. Will be taking the last two weeks of the year off so daylight should not be a problem.
Not Much chance up here, frozen solid now:(
I helped some - just logged 3 sets from earlier this week! Not sure I will get any more though this year.