Wade, what happened to the recent post's Box? -I use the heck out of that option...
So you're the one!
Checking over the server logs it just wasn't getting used by enough people to warrant cluttering up the links at the top. Trying to keep it simpler.
When you hit the main forum page, it's on the bottom:
Thanks. I use that link every time I log on also!
Yup, seems like the power users out there are hitting it up pretty often... just trying to simplify for everyone else.
WadeWilliams wrote:
Yup, seems like the power users out there are hitting it up pretty often... just trying to simplify for everyone else.
WOW! -power user? Hmmm, Sounds imoportant..."I'm somebody"!!! (like Steve Martin in "The Jerk"!!!)-ha,ha!
Ya, I loved to use the Recent post box to return to that page after treking where ever the previous post might have led me. i.e. 2nd or 3rd page, to other sites following the info. links or even when I'm searching for info. for a present post question in different forum topics, etc...
Can us "Power Users" have our own PSC ski team? With PSC T=shirts and bumper stickers?!?!
p.s. it took me 6 go back clicks to get from this post back to recent posts after I posted the above...
Last edited by h20dawg79 (Wed, Dec 9, 2009 9:32 PM)
We're going to start a membership program for $1 per week that will get you a higher level of access. Details coming soon.
Recent posts link restored!
WadeWilliams wrote:
We're going to start a membership program for $1 per week that will get you a higher level of access. Details coming soon.
Recent posts link restored!
I don't know, -I just got done convincing my wife and kids that I was a Power User!
But, Mucho Grassy ass for restoring my favorite link, ummm, Box -thing!