My father and I have been free slalom skiing for a long time and would like to get a nicer ski. My goal is to buy something that we can use to free ski and start working on a course. I am currently able to get a good deal on either the O’brien Siege or Podium but don’t know which would be better. While the Siege seems to get ok reviews I can’t seem to find much about the Podium. My father is about 200 lbs and I am 185 lbs so I was thinking a common ski length should work. Any thoughts? Thanks for the help with our purchase.
At this point, wider is usually better.
I've got an 08 68" O'brian Mission w/dbl. Targa boots that I only used Aug. & Sep. of 08. It's in Brand New cond. and the perfect size for you and your Dad. ($499.99 @ Overtons. I'll let it go cheap.) E/M me if your interested...
Last edited by h20dawg79 (Tue, Dec 15, 2009 9:52 PM)
The 2009 Siege is actually out of the Sixam 2.0 mold, an awesome ski! Just make sure you're getting a 2009, the black red and white Siege.
Thanks for the help everyone.
HO410, just to show how green I am... Which of these is wider?
I'm not super familiar with the O'brien line, but it looks like the Siege is the wider ski. My basic suggestion to people unfamiliar with the range of skis available is to shop for your needs first and then figure what fits in your budget.
Wade, if you ever wondered if was Android compatible... so far so good.