Nice guide.
I'd then add after you get your handle order an Arm-Guard from Thomas Wayne. I'm on my second guard from him (switched from 12 to 13 inch handle) and I'm a big proponent. There is no reason not to use one, and there are a whole lot of good reasons to use one. There have been enough head/arm through the handle injuries lately. This is good protection.
Also, don't bother getting into the whole argument over the other brands. Thomas has great customer service if you 1. know how to use email, and 2. can use a tape measure. The guards I got from him came very quickly, and they were perfectly custom cut for my handles.
I don't know why these things aren't mandated for tournament skiing. If I owned a lake, I'd make everyone use one.
Last edited by kpickett (Thu, Jan 14, 2010 2:53 AM)
I would like to see a chart on handle diameter vs. hand/grip size. Other sports like tennis, golf, baseball, and rowing are fairly specific and even scientific about this and can get you sized quickly. Sometimes what we feel is best isn't necessary true.
Anyway, it would seem that with the database here, some standard measurement like the tennis grip measurement (middle crease in palm to tip of ring finger), preferred handle diameter, and a little statistics, we could probably see some trends. Maybe just poll among pros and shortline skiers? What do you think?
It's a great idea. I think it's really up to personal preference but when more work goes into the ski log gear page I will include some handle size information.
Wade, I didn't know you hired a staff writer for the site.
Try for almost any handle combination you can think of. I like a 12" round handle, radius shape, strung in spectra rope. Masterline would be my second choice of handles because they offer many different combinations as well but can be more expensive.
Last edited by ScotChipman (Sun, Jan 17, 2010 11:17 PM)
Edited my post above from Proline to Masterline, my mistake. I still think In Tow is best.
38or bust (Robert), How long ago did you get EP prices from Proline? The EP rating has been gone for a few years........
An EP rating won't qualify u for nationals and most companies won't give u a discount. connelly still offers it, though.