Lets see if this works:cool:
Substitute "()" for "[]" respectively.
Last edited by Jhughes (Wed, Mar 10, 2010 4:28 AM)
Cool, Skiboy. Looks like good times! Is there a motocross track next to SkiTek? when the camera was rolling with your instructor talking, it sounded like dirt bikes in the background.
tjo wrote:
Cool, Skiboy. Looks like good times! Is there a motocross track next to SkiTek? when the camera was rolling with your instructor talking, it sounded like dirt bikes in the background.
agreed!! and yeah!! it does sound like a bike in the background!!! 2 of the best things in one... slalom and motocross! alright!!!
tjo, what do you ride??
Orlando speed World is right beside it. Has a Drag track, an oval track and a dirk bike section.
. Hers an ariel of Ski TEk and the tracks beside it.
Wow, even more reason to go to Ski Tek. Last November I skied at Firebird lakes in Mesa, Arizona and right next to two beautiful waterski lakes was a motocross track. I thought I had found heaven.
Plotz, I ride a CRF450R. And you?
This is last weekend at Trophy Lakes with Matt Dubon. 4th set of the year, and 3rd set on a Goode. The first 2 passes are 22' off, and the rest is just feeling it out at 28' off (34 mph).
Last edited by Pl0tz (Fri, Mar 12, 2010 3:06 AM)