Sitting at work at 2:41AM and im the only one on this site. Guess i should get some sleep so i can rip the mountain in 7 hrs. I hope this post is helping my Karma??????????????
Are you guys just on the night shift, or just completely obsessed?
When i´m on my "nightshift", most of you are in your late afternoon, so these live broadcasts are hard for me to watch, lucky me that we have some of them in replay.
Ya, unfortunately with the webcasts it's a damed if we do, damed if we don't scenario. The first few we did were at about noontime eastern, which opened it up for the Europeans, but all the north americans had to get around the work commitments to be able to watch. I'm sure you'll see some more reasonably scheduled programs by the time Summer rolls in.
Then i have time to pratice on my writing english, so i can put some question before its all has ended
Night shift last night now if they would open lay canyoon for some turnny tournny