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#1 Thu, Jan 28, 2010 3:23 AM

Karma:   12 
Slalom Mentor
Skis At: Lake Anna's "hot side"
Foot Forward: Right

2010 is here! what are you gonna do??

hey, i thought MAYBE it'd be a cool idea to have some skiers openly post some of there goals and/or what they want to improve on with their skiin' for the 2010 season! Just to kinda show where skiers are at and where we wanna go with our individual skiing. I think it could help others open their eyes about parts of there skiing that they normally over look or have yet to think about. Also help get us all motivated for the season! its getting closer!!!! big_smile

like for me:

-i know my main focus 4 this year is to work on keeping my hands as close to my body as possible when coming in and out of my turns. Think about more what I'm doing with my hips shoulders and ankles and keep a consistent angle through out every pass. Keep my eyes always moving from pylon, to wake, to buoy. Also REALLY trust my ski to make it over my boats monster wake.
-plus i know my biggest goal is to get into a couple tournaments this year which is starting to look good! I'm now aware of a club that hosts tournaments every year only ten/fifteen minutes from my house!! (I'm amazed i never knew about it) and i plan on totally joining and having a GOOD TIME!!
-Lastly, a goal for me is to start working up the rope (past my record 22 off) & teach some more of my friends to ski to spread this beautiful sport and show them how much of a good time they've been missing constantly staying inside playin COD all summa! :]

-ohh, and find a college where i can ski at OR a college close to a ski lake! (in va...)

so yeah, if anyone else wants to join in start here:

Last edited by Pl0tz (Thu, Jan 28, 2010 3:26 AM)

i swear this site is turning into my home...


#2 Thu, Jan 28, 2010 7:11 PM

Skis At: Richmond Water Ski Club
Foot Forward: Right

Re: 2010 is here! what are you gonna do??

OK Steven,  I'll go next:

For 2010, my plan is to try to be lighter on the line. I will try to use the most efficient path and angle possible without taking hard hits. I skied more buoys than ever before last season, but at the cost of injured shoulders.

I think your goals are great, though I might say try not to think too much while you are skiing, and remember to have fun. (ok, that was really for me...)



#3 Thu, Jan 28, 2010 7:19 PM

Karma:   15 
Pro Skier
From: Lynn, MA
Registered: Tue, May 15, 2007
Posts: 1087
Skis At: Not short enough
Foot Forward: Right

Re: 2010 is here! what are you gonna do??

Here's what I want to do skiing wise this summer

Achieve Consistency @39
Run 39 50+% of the time in practice

I know i've got a lot of work to do to get there, too.

As far as technique, my goal for 2010 is to focus on keeping my core engaged all the way through the second wake and through the apex of my turns.... This is the part of my skiing has been the weakest in the past.... so my goal is to make it much stronger this year.



#4 Thu, Jan 28, 2010 7:29 PM

Skis At: 22' off @32 mph
Foot Forward: Left

Re: 2010 is here! what are you gonna do??

my goals are pretty much the exact same as plotz but i need to run the course more before i start entering tournaments.

You can't take life too seriously because you'll never get out of it alive."


#5 Thu, Jan 28, 2010 8:03 PM

Slalom Mentor
Skis At: Lake County, IL
Foot Forward: Right

Re: 2010 is here! what are you gonna do??

Griff wrote:

OK Steven,  I'll go next:

For 2010, my plan is to try to be lighter on the line. I will try to use the most efficient path and angle possible without taking hard hits.



#6 Thu, Jan 28, 2010 11:36 PM

Karma:   12 
Slalom Mentor
Skis At: Lake Anna's "hot side"
Foot Forward: Right

Re: 2010 is here! what are you gonna do??

Griff wrote:

I might say try not to think too much while you are skiing, and remember to have fun. (ok, that was really for me...)

HECK YES! That's what this sport is about!!! big_smile

i swear this site is turning into my home...


#7 Thu, Jan 28, 2010 11:56 PM

Slalom Mentor
Skis At: mudhole
Foot Forward: right

Re: 2010 is here! what are you gonna do??

hey wade, that is my goal too!

Truth be told:  I still have to get thru 38 and run 35 more than 10% of the time.

Technique Goal:  to accelerate out of the apex of the turn, not at the end of the turn, and hold my angle through the wakes, use that speed to allow a strong/fast outward bound edge change.

Rope Goal: run 38 off

If you worry about the technique, the rope is a by product, not vice versa.  Right?


Last edited by ToddF (Thu, Jan 28, 2010 11:56 PM)


#8 Fri, Jan 29, 2010 1:03 AM

Karma:   10 
Water Ski Sage
Skis At: Old Hickory Lake, TN.
Foot Forward: left

Re: 2010 is here! what are you gonna do??

"Shoot for Nothing, and you can Hit it every time"! or "Failing to plan, -is planning to fail"...

#1. I simply want to stay Healthy! (without any major injury set backs...) I will still be very proactive and progressive. But, NOT at the expense of Good form. In other words; -I hope to leave the "Scrapping" to someone else! (good technique over Buoy count. -Amen!)

#2. Ave. 4 sets per wk. Min. (including rainy days, injuries, etc...)

#3. run the video cam A LOT!

#4. Get 2 days of coaching.

I spent the whole summer trying to master my "Wide Ride" last season... (I really would like to do some INT. comps...) This season, I am going to pitch it aside just as soon as I feel that my form and Balance are solid. (hopefully right off the Bat in Mar. or April...) -time is of the essence!

"No Worries Mon"!cool

"Warning" -the Surgeon General has determined; That the preceding statements accurately reflect the views and opinions consistent with "DSS" (Delusional Slalomitis Syndrome) a highly contagious life altering condition... (Handle with Extreme care & Patience)


#9 Sun, Jan 31, 2010 12:31 AM

Skis At: Sacramento Delta
Foot Forward: right

Re: 2010 is here! what are you gonna do??

My goal is to be consistent at 15 off and get into 22off.
I to would like to stay healthy so being smart is a key when I ski.

      I saw your link to 15off my wife and girls gave me a trip to skisunset ranch this summer. I was very touched by their gift and how much they support my skiing. I've never had coaching so I can't wait for my trip there.
Looking forward to skiing.


#10 Sun, Jan 31, 2010 1:57 AM

Slalom Mentor
Skis At: Utah Lake
Foot Forward: Right

Re: 2010 is here! what are you gonna do??

Last year my goal was to run 22 off.  I ended up running 28 off.  But I know as the line gets shorter progression gets longer.  So I will put a goal to run 32 off.  I also want to hold my angle through both wakes, keep my shoulders back on my offside (heelside) wake crossing, counter in the turns, and keep the handle close in longer into the turn.  Oh yeah, and on one of out Lake Powell trips, I'm going to ski nude.  Always wanted to do that.  *LOL*



#11 Sun, Jan 31, 2010 4:55 AM

Skis At: Collierville Ski Club, Tn
Foot Forward: Right

Re: 2010 is here! what are you gonna do??

The last week of the season I ran 38 for the first time.  I would like to run it in a tournament!!!!


#12 Sun, Jan 31, 2010 6:00 AM

Slalom Mentor
Foot Forward: Right

Re: 2010 is here! what are you gonna do??

SteveDoc wrote:

I saw your link to 15off my wife and girls gave me a trip to skisunset ranch this summer. I was very touched by their gift and how much they support my skiing. I've never had coaching so I can't wait for my trip there.

SteveDoc, you will love skisunset ranch.  My wife and I went there for a few days in the fall of 2008 and absolutely loved it.  It was my wife's first time skiing the course and now she's hooked.  Well, still not as hooked as me but she really, really enjoyed it.  For me, it was a dream vacation...  Have fun!

Travis Ogden


#13 Sun, Jan 31, 2010 4:42 PM

Skis At: Sacramento Delta
Foot Forward: right

Re: 2010 is here! what are you gonna do??

tjo wrote:

SteveDoc, you will love skisunset ranch.  My wife and I went there for a few days in the fall of 2008 and absolutely loved it.

Travis, Glad to hear you liked skiing there I'm really pumped up to go. I told my wife she created a monster with that gift as I want to be in the best ski shape possible. I marked a calender with all the dates I need to ski befor my trip. There will be no time for other social activities there's work to be done.smilesmile
I'm going to start this week.



#14 Sun, Jan 31, 2010 8:46 PM

Slalom Mentor
Skis At: Pigeon Lake @ Ski Tek
Foot Forward: Right

Re: 2010 is here! what are you gonna do??

Well here it goes, my ski goals for 2010.  Certainly keep a tighter lighter line and try to be very consequtive on 28 off. Am also gonna try to hold a tournament here at my own course. See if we can bring some  local skiers out of the wood work.
   Will be starting my achivements in 2 weeks at Ski Tek.
See u There

Skiing Finatic Once Again


#15 Mon, Jul 5, 2010 3:40 PM

Skis At: Sacramento Delta
Foot Forward: right

Re: 2010 is here! what are you gonna do??

I completed a big phase in my goal this year. I was able to get in water ski shape and ski at a school for four days without getting hurt Skiing three sets a day, that was big for me.

I went to a place in Northern California called Skisunset Ranch and it was some of the best for days of my life. Water was like glass every day Doug and Robbie Trimble were great hosts and as a added bonus Pro skier Terry Winter has joined their staff as a coach. Terry was unbeliveable with his coaching, patience, and insights on our skiing. He was so committed to his coaching that he skipped one of his runs at a tournament near by to stay and coach us which speaks volumes about him as a person.

tjo wrote:

SteveDoc, you will love skisunset ranch.  My wife and I went there for a few days in the fall of 2008 and absolutely loved it.

You weren't kidding that place was great. Driving home yesterday holding the steering wheel on my truck was a problem because my hands hurt so much but you couldn't erase the smile from my face.smilesmile

Have a great summer,


#16 Tue, Jul 6, 2010 7:37 PM

Karma:   12 
Slalom Mentor
Skis At: Lake Anna's "hot side"
Foot Forward: Right

Re: 2010 is here! what are you gonna do??

Nice goin steve! you know, i totally forgot about this post! i'm gald you added on it, reminded me to re-read what i said and see where i'm at smile

Personally, i'm getting better with my form but have encountered a nasty habit of letting go of the rope too early and not holding the straightest line when crossing the wake from my off side, so i've been focusing on that. right now when i'm on the coarse i'm focusing on consistence through out it and having a strong, yet ski-able gate smile and when i'm in the free water i just focus on form and keep bumpin' up the speed smile free water i'm skiing a strong 36, but on the coarse i'm fighting to get through the 34. to me, I've realized its better for me to work up the speed before i shorten the rope so i'm working on that, consistence in speed before i shorten the rope to 22/28 off smile

ohh yeah, and i'm having a ball and taking breaks BEFORE i get frustrated wink


i swear this site is turning into my home...


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