I went to a 14" handle at the end of the season. I liked how it felt behind the boat. I feel I was more open. I am not a huge guy but the wider my hands are the less my shoulders seem to be drawn in. Tried a 15"er, it was to wide and to much to wave around with one hand. It was not legal, but worth a try.
Has anybody tried different lengths?
I may be wrong, but i believe the standard width for handles is 12 or 13in. I tried a 12 in radius handle most recently, but Im going to stick with my 13in elliptical grip straight handle.
I skied with a 13" for a season, it was nice to have the extra room to put your hand on the handle wrong and get away with it. I also tried a 10" once and I liked it a lot -- much less room for error though. I use a 12" reguarly, but I think the smaller you can go the better. I also grip the handle in the middle of the handle, baseball bat style. I think it's easier to be stronger with a close grip. The wide handle does feel good to though, especially if you've got a broad upper body.
Hey guys, I'm looking for suggestions regarding handles.
I'm getting a Masterline custom handle and I'm unsure about which diameter to get. I've used the really thin .888, and would prefer something thicker. Not sure if I should go with the 1" or the .940.
What do you guys like and what are the pros and cons of thin v. thick? Also, if you wanna weigh in regarding 12" v. 13", please do.
Thanks in advance.
As far as diameter goes, it's up to personal preference:
If you have smaller hands the smaller size will be good.
The smaller diameter handle will wear your hands down more (skiing in hot water in florida? u probably want a thick one)
The smaller diameter handle is easier to hold onto with power, even though it does burn your hands faster.
The larger handle is easier to have a light grip on, because it's harder to get your hands around.
& Remember->> The handle should be held in the fingers, not in the palm
I went to 12"x .940 radar handle this past year and loved it as compared to my 13"x1.1" I used before. It took a few weeks to get used to the decreased handle width, but the smaller diameter grip I fell in love with instantly.
Ya, I agree with a smaller Dia. for me as well. My glove size is X.L., so I guess my paws are bigger then smaller. But, the Larger Dia. seems to Torch my forearms. (I'm the same way in the Gym with larger Dia. handles and pull up bars...)
I have a .888 straight but, I will be buying a .94" radiused handle. I prefer the radiused over the straight handle.