hey, how do you quote the quote, it didn't show up in the grey box.
ToddF wrote:
hey, how do you quote the quote, it didn't show up in the grey box.
In the lower right corner of any post there is a functional link entitled "QUOTE". Click on that and it will pull up the entire post you wish to quote from. That quoted post will be prefaced with "quote=xxx" in brackets (where xxx is the name of the member you're quoting), and the quote will close with "/quote", also in brackets.
To quote only a portion of a previous post you still use the "QUOTE" link, and then delete the portions of that post that you don't wish to quote, being careful not to disturb the bracketed html code at each end of the quote.
To fix your previous post, choose "edit" and then put "quote" in brackets at the beginning of the quote and put in "/quote" in brackets at the end of the quote. No spaces are allowed within the bracketed html code.
So it would look sort of like this:
[q u o t e=Wade] the stuff he said that you liked[/q u o t e]
(without the spaces in the word "quote")
Last edited by Thomas Wayne (Thu, Feb 4, 2010 5:07 PM)