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#1 Fri, Feb 19, 2010 12:22 AM

Slalom Mentor

What binding would you run if you were coming off of an achiles injury

So a friend tore her front foot achiles in September in a Radar Rails. She ran aground at a very slow speed heading back to the dock at a site she wasn't familiar with and there just wasn't enough momentum to pop her heel out. Snap! So what is the general consensus on a binding that would be safest for her, knowing the injury she had, when she gets back on the water in a few months?

Shane Hill


#2 Fri, Feb 19, 2010 12:47 AM

Karma:   10 
Water Ski Sage
Skis At: Old Hickory Lake, TN.
Foot Forward: left

Re: What binding would you run if you were coming off of an achiles injury

Wow Man, that's too Bad...sad

I'm sure that I don't have anything that you wouldn't already know yourself..But, the things that jump out at me is; If the doc or P.T. is cool about her getting back out without any conditions, then I might be inclined to wonder if an inter Loc system might be a better release option, given her "possible" limitations and  How Hard core is she or is she wanting to get?...

Good Luck...

"Warning" -the Surgeon General has determined; That the preceding statements accurately reflect the views and opinions consistent with "DSS" (Delusional Slalomitis Syndrome) a highly contagious life altering condition... (Handle with Extreme care & Patience)


#3 Fri, Feb 19, 2010 3:14 AM

Slalom Mentor
Skis At: Outlaw Lake
Foot Forward: Right

Re: What binding would you run if you were coming off of an achiles injury

On the high end I would probably go with Fogman's. Possibly the HO Exo, but I don't quite know what to. think about those boots yet.

On the lower end I think Strada or that new Obrien Prodigy. I would want a close fit, probably erring on the small side, so I can run the upper laces nice and loose. The cuff release of the FM E-series or the Elites might be even better. You can easily step out of this type of boot and still have all the edge control you want.

Slow falls are pretty unpredictable and it would be hard to confidently say that a different boot would have prevented the injury. That said, I totally understand the need to get away from the boots that contributed to a serious injury.


#4 Fri, Feb 19, 2010 3:18 AM

Slalom Mentor
Skis At: mudhole
Foot Forward: right

Re: What binding would you run if you were coming off of an achiles injury

I would say stay away from the ones with a forward lean. maybe something with a high wrap so it doesn't put pressure on the lower calf, with my achilles injury my bindings are the forward lean phantoms and they hurt.  Older flimsy ones didn't hurt nearly as bad, because I could move/adjust into a more comfortable position.



#5 Fri, Feb 19, 2010 6:17 AM


Re: What binding would you run if you were coming off of an achiles injury

Takes a large force to tear a healthy Achilles. Make that a huge force. Unfortunately we receive way too many calls or emails every month asking the same questions as above. I offer advice on a one to one basis as everyone's situation is different.  These injuries are serious, take a long time to heal - if ever. Really bad injuries require specialists and hopefully there is no infection. 

So personally I wouldn't recommend  anything unless I could speak directly with the individual and discuss the situation. 

A properly engineered and tested release binding is a lot like a helmet or any other safety device. It's needed only when the unexpected happens - hit a ball, a roller or the even beach. My opinion a self-tested release binding is necessary for slalom.

Last edited by Shark (Fri, Feb 19, 2010 6:19 AM)


#6 Fri, Feb 19, 2010 1:24 PM

Karma:   15 
Pro Skier
From: Lynn, MA
Registered: Tue, May 15, 2007
Posts: 1087
Skis At: Not short enough
Foot Forward: Right

Re: What binding would you run if you were coming off of an achiles injury

Shark wrote:

My opinion a self-tested release binding is necessary for slalom.

You've got to know your equipment and how it works. I would interject that someone has probably hurt their ankle in just about every system out there in one way or another.

My approach puts more of a burden on the operator rather than the equipment. When you're about to fall, you need to protect yourself. I believe that the vast majority of injuries like this are caused because of poor falling technique. Before you let your ankle bend in a way it was never made to do, regardless of the release properties of the bindings, you need to fall on your butt / back to protect your ankles.

Everyone knows their own body the best. I've busted both my ankles once so I dont have the best forward flexion in either of them... but i know my limits. If it gets close to the point where my ankle is going to be stressed, I'm going to jump off my feet and land on my back.... getting my feet (ski/boots) out of the water.

Everyone is going to have their own opinion on what the best boot is, but good falling technique to protect yourself from injuries like this are really the safest way to ski. Unfortunately it's a lesson learned best the hard way...

I would say the absolute safest system would be 1) dont ski 2) reflex front / rear toe plate. But even then you'll have problems. (like kicking the release with your shin creating permanent, deep scars)



#7 Tue, Feb 23, 2010 12:38 AM

Slalom Mentor

Re: What binding would you run if you were coming off of an achiles injury

Don't ski? Well that's not gonna be an option, Wade! lol I had thought of the Reflex front, too. Her surgeon wants her to wait til June to start skiing again, so we have some time to figure it out.

Paul, maybe I'll have her call you with her doctor when she sees him again.

Shane Hill


#8 Sun, May 2, 2010 3:32 AM


Re: What binding would you run if you were coming off of an achiles injury

Give Paul a call.  I currently ski on their e-series boots on my trick ski. 

This is slightly modified over standard as the cuff is made to release at a slightly higher force (cheers Paul - received friday) plus I run stainless hardware rather than the plastic washers for the release, hence increasing release force further.  And still - with it cranked up as tight as I could get it I stuffed the tip on a flip this morning and the binding released.  Despite wanting it clamped on as tight as possible for hands I was kind of glad it did release.  Even my rear toe loop heelstrap came off - a first for everything!

No binding is perfect though and I have been through quite a few over the years (mainly rubbers) - I reckon though they are a bloody good option for an achillies issues and would be on my shortlist.

Last edited by epyscs (Sun, May 2, 2010 3:34 AM)


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