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#1 Sat, Feb 20, 2010 9:38 PM

Skis At:
Foot Forward: lefty

Radar skis

Hey-o all.

Am looking to get a new ski but am unsure of which one and what size. 

Radar has a couple I'm trying to figure out...like the MPD, the Strada, the Annex and the Senate C.

Then it's size.  I'm 5' 10" and rally between 170 and 175.  Depends on how good I was over the weekend smile

I'm on a Phantom Truth now and have always ski'd on an HO except when I was learning on my friends dad's maherajah way back when.

I ski about 33-34 mph, 35 off and am in open water.  No course on the river or the lake. 

Am getting better every year and want to get a ski I can have for awhile.  Have been on the Phantom Truth since '04.

Your thoughts and suggestions would be GREATLY appreciated!

Thanks again.


#2 Sun, Feb 21, 2010 7:35 AM


Re: Radar skis

Unless you are planning on bumping the speed up to 36MPH I think the Senate C would be a good bet for you. MPD was the premium stick a couple seasos ago, RS1 was last seasons and the Strada is the new high end ski. Depending on your budget one of those would work too. The annex is similar to those skis but is apparently a little better in varying open water/public lake water conditions - I'd say 66" as long as you don't have too many rough weekends in a row smile.


#3 Sun, Feb 21, 2010 11:59 AM

Karma:   15 
Pro Skier
From: Lynn, MA
Registered: Tue, May 15, 2007
Posts: 1087
Skis At: Not short enough
Foot Forward: Right



#4 Sun, Feb 21, 2010 12:16 PM

Foot Forward: Right

Re: Radar skis

I have a Senate from last year (not the C) and I can't say enough about it.  The Senate is the perfect ski for sets in the course and in open water for those of us skiing at 34.  Last year I was looking at the F1X and the D3 Custom X - really happy about my choice. Check out the product videos on Radar's website - they give good information.  I got mine from H2Osmosis after trying it in their "ride to buy" program.


#5 Sun, Feb 21, 2010 3:24 PM

Pro Skier
Foot Forward: Right

Re: Radar skis

The Radar Senate C is an awesome ski for the type of skiing your doing.  I will say that coming from a Phantom Truth, you may be more comfortable with the Strada as it is about the same width as your Truth.  The Senate is 0.2" wider at the widest point of the ski.  This extra surface area gives a little more support through the turn.  I ran 39off@34mph my first try on a Senate, so don't think that it doesn't rip.  The Strada is our new top of the line ski for Radar.  It has a quick hole shot, holds angle very well, provides the smoothest edge change I've ever had, and is very user friendly in the turns.  Check out the product videos at radarskis.com to learn more.  As far as size goes, I would suggest a 67 as you are not skiing the course very often.  The extra inch will give you more support through the turn and will carry speed better making for an easier ride on your body.



#6 Sun, Feb 21, 2010 4:10 PM

Skis At:
Foot Forward: lefty

Re: Radar skis

Thanks everyone.  I'm going to watch the video's on the Radar web site, and see what ski jumps out at me.  I thought I had made up my mind.  It was beween the SR1 and the Annex...then because of all of the open water skiing I do...I was gearing towards the Annex.

Then the Strada came into the picture, and I was reading more excellent reviews on the Senate C.  But I gotta tell you, the width of that ski was holding me back.  But after reading more and all of your input here...it's in the mix of decision making as well.  It's only money right smile

Like I said, I'm going to have this stick for awhile so am just trying to make the best decision I can. 

Thanks again everyone.


#7 Sun, Feb 21, 2010 8:44 PM

Slalom Mentor
Skis At: Pigeon Lake @ Ski Tek
Foot Forward: Right

Re: Radar skis

Ive been skiing A Mapple, for years, too much ski for what i ski, just bought a Senate C, feels a lot more stable and controlling. Hoping to do a lot on this ski once i get  the feel of it.

Skiing Finatic Once Again


#8 Sun, Feb 21, 2010 10:00 PM

Slalom Mentor

Re: Radar skis

Don't let the width of the Senate C scare you. It is the real deal.  For the majority of 32-34mph non course skiers it is the perfect ski.

Shane Hill


#9 Mon, Feb 22, 2010 12:17 AM

Karma:   10 
Water Ski Sage
Skis At: Old Hickory Lake, TN.
Foot Forward: left

Re: Radar skis

I agree,  0.2" is less then 1/4". So, that is actually less then 1/8" added to each side of the ski...smile

The 67" Strada and Annex are both 6.80" at the widest point and the 67" Senate is 7.00"... That xtra .2" didn't hold Rossi back and it is more of an equalizer for the rest us! ( + .2" doesn't equal Rossi by any means, But you get the general idea!)wink

Last edited by h20dawg79 (Mon, Feb 22, 2010 1:30 PM)

"Warning" -the Surgeon General has determined; That the preceding statements accurately reflect the views and opinions consistent with "DSS" (Delusional Slalomitis Syndrome) a highly contagious life altering condition... (Handle with Extreme care & Patience)


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