Hi guys,
Sorry to post more questions about ski sizes - but figured some advice would come in handy.
I just started skiing the course in January (after years of free skiing) and after entering my first competition with the University Championships (came 3rd!), I'm now addicted to the course! I'm running full speed at 15off (as of yesterday which i was stoked about) and this weekend will be my first attempt at 22off. I'm currently skiing on a 67 HO Truth - so a few years old now.
On the weekend i skied an RS1 which immediately took me to the PB and also cemented the idea that I should buy a new ski - like i needed an excuse!
I'm keen to try a an A1 66.25 having skied HO for sometime now and really enjoyed them but not sure what size Radar to try given i fall right in the middle of the weight ranges. I'm 75kg - 168lbs. Anyone have any thoughts on whether a 66 or 67 would be a better fit, or am i just best to demo both and see what feels right? I was thinking the Strada but there seems to be a lot of talk on PSC about the Senate C as worthy alternative? What about the Annex?
Thanks guys.
I'm assuming you're a 36mph skier? If so, I'd go with a 66 Strada.
I would agree with Shane on this one. The 66 Strada is where to start.
Hey guys, thanks for the info. To answer your question Shane i skied the best pass 35-36 (no cruise control on that boat) so was accurate as we could get it.
I think for my age bracket (35) I only compete up to 34mph (55kmh) unless i enter an open class? But I still wanted to learn to ski a 36mph (58kmh) pass though.
Given that, Chris/Shane would you still recommend the 66?
Yes I would recommend a 66 Strada.
Thanks Chris, I'll have run one this weekend.
Are you coming out for Moomba?