Hey Wade,
Have you ever considered reversing the posting order on the forum, so it would be like You Tube? (i.e. putting the most recent post at the top of the list, and the oldest post at the end. This way, if you click onto a topic, you will first see the Latest post first, and not have to scroll to the last page to see the most recent post. It would save clicks, and users who wanted to read the entire post would just go to the last page, and read upwards.
Not a bad idea. I always just click on the "new posts" link for any topic so it takes me right to the new stuff.
I didn't really ever considerate, but now that you mention it I will look into making it an option for anyone who wants to have the order reversed. I think the way it is right now is better for the new comer -- which is the person we're after. Power Users like yourselves are obviously very important too, but I think the newest post first would be confusing for someone who hadn't been following the thread from the beginning. I agree it is sort of a paint to click through, but do what tjo does and click the recent post on the right.
I'll see if I can bring reverse post order options to be available this month.
Or you could have the topic start at the last post that a person has already read. So, if there are 2 or 6 etc. New post's the member would start at the 1st new post (to him/her) and read down through all 2 or 6 etc. new post's...
That would be stylin'!