Water Ski Coaching from Professional Waterskiers at ProSkiCoach.com


We've Moved

The forum here @ PSC has been fun, but we're going to transplant it in much more fertile pastures.

If you already have a PSC account, use your email address to Request A New Password to get started @wetJacket

#1 Mon, Mar 22, 2010 9:02 PM

Skis At: Where ever I can
Foot Forward: Left

PSC Users

Hey Wade,

I went to send a PM today and could not remember the exact name of the user I wanted to send it to nor could I find the exact post that reminded me like a week ago to message this person. So I was thinking that have a User's tab at the top like were rules, messages, logout.. are so all registered users can browse and search for other users. If I am just missing where this link is located please share smile


Looking for places to ski in Metro Detroit!


#2 Mon, Mar 22, 2010 9:09 PM

Karma:   12 
Slalom Mentor
Skis At: Lake Anna's "hot side"
Foot Forward: Right

Re: PSC Users

hmmm that seems like a pretty cool idea.. don't think there's anything like it now...

i swear this site is turning into my home...


#3 Mon, Mar 22, 2010 10:49 PM

Karma:   10 
Water Ski Sage
Skis At: Old Hickory Lake, TN.
Foot Forward: left

Re: PSC Users

GO WADE, GO WADE! -Be the 1st on the block with this new app!cool

"Warning" -the Surgeon General has determined; That the preceding statements accurately reflect the views and opinions consistent with "DSS" (Delusional Slalomitis Syndrome) a highly contagious life altering condition... (Handle with Extreme care & Patience)


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