Still some sets available at SkiTek for training with Chris Rossi on April 23-28. If you are looking for that mental or technical edge to take your skiing to the next level then come join us for some serious slashing!
Hey Colin.
Would be there if i could. Finally warming up up here in the North. How's ur skiing coming?
Hey Doug! Well I finally started skiing again just in time to get two teeth pulled so now waiting on stitches to heal. Glad to hear it is warming up for you! Is your course in yet?
Hey Colin.
Gonna get it in in a couple weeks, been down with severe bronchitis, laid me work for over 2 weeks, so making sure this is gone before doing the bouy deed.
Traing hard now, dropped 11 pounds being sick, hell of a way to lose it, but i did so keeping it off
Not the easiest way to lose it but way to go Doug! Let me know how the skiing progresses this season and feel better soon!