Got some videos on how the Finamajig works.
Setting the Finamajig to save your settings:
That was some quick work on the caliper, Wade.
Let's say I get a new ski, out of the box, with a totally out-of-whack fin. Can Finamajig help me get that fin set up precisely without first having a doppleganger fin to copy?
Quick question: Will the Finamajig work on a Schnitz Slot Fin?
Thanks, ED
The videos show the adjustable jig.
There are 2 options. Modules -> A plastic piece fits into the Finamajig, with customized settings. Static Jigs -> A one piece jig with specific settings will be available. We're still getting settings dialed in, but if you have a specific ski you'd like a jig for, post here and we'll put it on the list. The jigs should be set by the end of May.
I haven't tried it with Schnitz's fins. From the looks of them I would say it might work on the Speed fin, but not on the slot fin. In this case you can get a static jig set and drill kit to custom fit the jig to your fin.
Photo gallery @ … 301295518/
Wade, perhaps a simple ruler-like scale could be screenprinted onto the "red" and "gray" moving parts of the adjustable Finamajig. That way settings could just be numbers on the scale. So, setting XYZ is 2.1 on the X axis scale and 3.4 on the y-axis scale. So, stock settings for ski X is 2.1 and 3.4. Move the gray part to that setting on the X and Y scales and apply to ski. Done!
Besides replicating the present setting, to check present setting @ a later date or after travel, can anything else be done with it?
FINamJIG consists of "3 separate tools".
The "Adjustable Jig" in no way negates the need for a caliper for initial setup, but is designed to " Record, Transfer, and Validate
fin settings".
1. If set before fin tweaking you always have a way to get "home".
2. Using spacers and grids, Jig controls fin movements ( ie. maintain depth but change DFT) or (maintain DFT and change length)
3. Very quick duplication of a fin setting, either in a shop setting or between friends.
4. Can pre-set and take to the field for a 30 second fin change. On water adjustment in a matter of several minutes
5. Can be used to confirm a fin setup after travel or just for confidence factor (dropped ski)
6. Can be used with all current 5 hole fins (all companies except O'Brien)
The Jig with "Custom Modules" allows stock fin positions to be located w/o calipers. Modules will be available from FINamaJIG to produce factory setting for current model skis of major brands and others by special request. Easy and extremely accurate to use for any skier. Basically skier can't fail.
The Jig with "Blank Modules" and custom drill kit is available for skiers that would like to record and save their own custom settings. Custom modules can be made for:
* Record various test settings for a specific ski
* Setting for different ski sites.
* Setting for differnt water temp.
* Take home setting from ski school or professional coaching session.
* Send a setting to a friend, student, or customer.
Jay Schofield
Last edited by JAS (Tue, May 4, 2010 4:14 AM)
So how much is the finamajig for a poweruser and how do I order?