Wade, a similar question really, what's the difference between logging a freestyle set, up the rope and tournament?
Can I suggest a Help Tab or similar could be added to the Ski Log?
On a slightly off-topic question, I updated my goals for 2010 in the winter. Only now, having logged my first two sets of the season have I realised the folly of doing this. I have deleted my Goals history. As I achieved each goal, I put the date when it was completed, or other relevant note and this is now lost.
So looking forward, would it be possible to be able to somehow archive Goals?
When logging your sets, here's what this is all about:
Freestyle Set: Any sort of water skiing. Free skiing, training on longer passes, missing your hardest pass and then taking a few more cracks at it eventually running it, etc.
Up the Rope set: Your best score from this set was accomplished in tournament-like circumstances. I.e., you progressivley went faster until your max speed and then shortened the rope until you missed or fell. This would be the same conditions as a tournament set, only it was not skied at a tournament.
Tournament set: A set skied at a tournament.
The difference in these three is for 1) personal reference 2) for the summer shootout league, we will use both tournament sets and up the rope sets to set your handicap. If none are available, we will use an average of your top scores from freestyle sets. If you haven't started a ski log, we will use your shootout performances to come up with your handicap (meaning you'll zero for the first week).
To answer the rest of your question:
The goals are in fact archived -- they are saved in the database. Although at this point you can only see your current goals, this will become available in the future.
Hopefully the ski log will be simple enough that it doesn't need a help tab, although there are some answers [?] linked in some places.