Been looking to upgrade to a newer slalom ski..right now i ski on a O'Brien Competitor, my dad used to ski on it in the eighties! Looking to upgrade to something with both complete boots instead of one with a rear toe peice. I'm 5' 8" and around 140lbs. so im thinking i need around a 65" ski? Starting to really get into slalom skiing and what to get better. Wanted to know what you guys recommend me get...
-Thanks DB
Price range?
Free ski or coarse focus?
eventual goals?
If you could provide the answers to these it would make it much easier to help pick the right ski for you.
The Radar Senate is a very good ski that can take anyone from intermediate through deep shortline. The Sixam 1.0, 1.1, and 2.0 are very stable skis as well, and you can pick them up cheap on Ski-it-again. They are all stable and forgiving, but won't hold you back.
Last edited by jamisonsbrodie (Thu, Jun 24, 2010 2:34 AM)
Looking to spend around $500, ski at 32/33mph, right now i free ski mainly but have and tend to ski more through the coarse.
I agree with the Radar Senate recommendation. Its the best intermediate to advanced ski i've seen so far, super stable and forgiving, yet can tear through some tough passes
I also agree with the Senate, nothing but good reviews around here. ski-it-again has a couple Senates for $225, $350 blank, and $475 with double rails.