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#1 Wed, Jul 14, 2010 8:32 PM

Foot Forward: Left

Binding Slime

Hey Guys,

I have been using normal binding slime but tired of the cost.

Wondering what everyone uses out there?  I know some who use a spray bottle with soap and water but is that environmentally a good idea?  Assuming some kind of organic soap, what proportions for the ideal solution?


#2 Wed, Jul 14, 2010 8:48 PM

Skis At: Lake Murray
Foot Forward: Right

Re: Binding Slime

50/50 mixture of dish washing liguid and water.


#3 Wed, Jul 14, 2010 9:01 PM

Slalom Mentor
Skis At: Outlaw Lake
Foot Forward: Right

Re: Binding Slime

There are any number of biodegradable soaps on the market. I'm sure there are more than a few at Walmart, at least there are some non-toxic choices. The biodegradable soap that I remember is Dr. Bonners. You should be able to track them down on google without much trouble.

We just use Ajax dish soap at the lake I ski. It's terrible for washing dishes because it disperses so quickly. That is likely why it is the soap of choice. I think a few other skiers use liquid Ivory but I'm not sure.

Last edited by HO410 (Wed, Jul 14, 2010 9:02 PM)


#4 Wed, Jul 14, 2010 9:04 PM

Karma:   15 
Pro Skier
From: Lynn, MA
Registered: Tue, May 15, 2007
Posts: 1087
Skis At: Not short enough
Foot Forward: Right

Re: Binding Slime

I heard that you can get a gallon of bubble blowing liquid for the kids at the dollar store for $.99 and it works great for boots. Might need to cut it with water. Not sure if this would harm the boots... but the bonus is, BUBBLES!



#5 Wed, Jul 14, 2010 10:29 PM

Slalom Mentor
Skis At: Bud Lake
Foot Forward: Left

Re: Binding Slime

When I had rubber bindings, I used a small amount of the generic of Pert Plus in a small hand held spray bottle with the straw removed for spraying up side down. It is shampoo with conditioner. I always heard that people that used dish detergent had problems with the rubber eventually tearing because of the nature of the detergent removing the oils that keep the rubber pliable.

Life is great! Enjoy every minute!


#6 Wed, Jul 14, 2010 10:30 PM

Thomas Wayne
Slalom Mentor

Re: Binding Slime

We prefer diluted Suave Green Apple shampoo.  Disperses quickly and boy, do my bindings smell great!



#7 Thu, Jul 15, 2010 12:07 AM

Slalom Mentor
Skis At: Bud Lake
Foot Forward: Left

Re: Binding Slime

I know what you mean TW about smelling good. It is so easy for stuff to sour when they don't have time to completely dry between sets. I keep a ceiling fan on always in my boat house but that doesn't seem to be enough sometimes. I'll share this tip I have started doing and it seems to keep everything fresh smelling. I got a bottle of Febreze and give everything a shot as I hang it up to dry. It often never dries but does smell fresh. I even shoot my RS-1 boot liners before I hang them up.

Life is great! Enjoy every minute!


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