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#1 Wed, Jul 21, 2010 10:20 PM


Waterski Vacations

Wondering if anyone has been to water ski costa rica or ski paradise in acapulco? www.waterskicostarica.com or www.skiparadise.com

I am wanting to plan a vacation around skiing and found these two places. Anyone been or know anything about either one or suggest another place for the winter monts - January time. I am leaning towards the one in costa rica...

Thanks :-)


#2 Fri, Jul 23, 2010 1:57 AM


Re: Waterski Vacations

Been to Acapulco twice.  It's absolutely the best across the board-great skiing conditions, instruction, ski drivers, food, accommodations, fun things to do, people to hang out with etc.  You really can't beat it.  I can't wait until our trip next year! 

Never done Costa Rica.


#3 Fri, Jul 23, 2010 8:23 PM


Re: Waterski Vacations

I've been to Acapulco too !  The problem with it is, I fell in love with the whole thing. It's all I can think about.  The skiing, the friends you'll make, the food, the scenery, the local people, the weather, everything.

It truly is paradise. It changed my life outlook.

I'm sure Costa Rica is awesome too, just haven't been there.

Steve B.


#4 Wed, Aug 11, 2010 3:25 PM


Re: Waterski Vacations

Thanks for the input. I am trying to make a decision....I am not there yet.
There is also a ski school in St Martin and I thought I could enjoy the beach and the water and great skiing.
My husband is coming and doesn't ski... I just may have to try this Ski Paradise out though.  Is it at all dangerous, I heard Anywhere in Mexico isn't safe right now....Thanks! Appreciate the input!


#5 Mon, Sep 6, 2010 11:18 PM

Skis At: Muskoka &McClintocks,Puslinch
Foot Forward: left

Re: Waterski Vacations

Hey I'm looking into going to acapulco or costa rica.  I'm having a hard time making a decision. I'm going alone - hubby doesn't ski and doesn't want to tag along.  I also saw St. Martin too.  Does Costa Rica have good coaches?


#6 Tue, Sep 7, 2010 2:07 PM


Re: Waterski Vacations

Wendy, Jeff from Orillia, you know the blue/white malibu with the 2 little girls.  check out this one too, it's not open through the winter but it's great as they don't charge if you bring a non-skier along.  http://www.skisunsetranch.com/

how are the ribs?


#7 Tue, Sep 7, 2010 2:56 PM


Re: Waterski Vacations

As far as safety in Mexico it's primarily the border towns that are the sketchiest, and that's primarily if you are looking for trouble. I'd go to any of the resort towns in a heartbeat.

I've been to Acapulco twice and will echo what the others said - it's the best in every way. You can't beat it. Go!!


#8 Wed, Sep 8, 2010 12:51 AM


Re: Waterski Vacations

My wife and I just booked Waterski Costa Rica for the Canadian March break week.  The program looks really great.

This will be our first trip 'sans' children in 10 years.  I'm really excited about it and my wife is doing a pretty good job of making me think she's looking forward to it too.

She skis quite well, but I often wonder if she's humouring me.  I guess she's happy I ski for a fix.  Heroin would cause too many problems smile.


#9 Wed, Sep 8, 2010 9:03 AM

Skis At: Gosfield WSC
Foot Forward: Right

Re: Waterski Vacations

Well I guess heroin addiction might be cheaper and the fix last longer, but adrenalin is the best drug.

Ski to Live - Live to Ski


#10 Wed, Sep 8, 2010 12:34 PM

Slalom Mentor

Re: Waterski Vacations

Waterski Costa Rica is awesome. Highly recommended.

Shane Hill


#11 Thu, Sep 9, 2010 2:54 AM

Skis At: Steilacoom Lake
Foot Forward: Right

Re: Waterski Vacations

Headed to Paradise in Nov, 2nd trip, first time was awesome. This time will be in new Villa, life is great! cool

Ski hard or save the gas


#12 Mon, Sep 13, 2010 1:32 AM

Skis At: Muskoka &McClintocks,Puslinch
Foot Forward: left

Re: Waterski Vacations

Digger when are you going to Paradise? What week? Greg Badal?


#13 Tue, Sep 14, 2010 2:49 AM

Skis At: Steilacoom Lake
Foot Forward: Right

Re: Waterski Vacations

yep first week -11/6 - 13

Ski hard or save the gas


#14 Tue, Sep 14, 2010 2:42 PM


Re: Waterski Vacations

also looking into ski paradise.  for those that have been, I can't see on the website but I think the meals are part of the stay, what about the bar? thanks


#15 Tue, Sep 14, 2010 4:36 PM


Re: Waterski Vacations

At Ski Paradise meals are included (and they are incredible) except for the last night everyone goes out to a local restaurant and the bill is split up. Bar is not included. Guests stop at Costco or a liquor store on the way in from the airport and stock up on whatever they want. Usually another Costco run occurs sometime during the week as well.


#16 Tue, Sep 14, 2010 6:43 PM


Re: Waterski Vacations

thanks jbski, so you buy beer, whisky, whatever you want and they serve at the bar at the villa?


#17 Tue, Sep 14, 2010 7:21 PM


Re: Waterski Vacations

By "whisky" you mean "tequila", right? You serve, they serve, whoever. The bar by the pool/hot tub and outdoor living room is kind of the main hang out area after you get back from skiing at the lagoon and before dinner, then it continues to be the hang out after dinner unless you decide to go into town. Ramon, who is sort of the "house manager" and who is absolutely awesome (tip him well) will make and serve drinks, but when he is busy with other tasks it's self-serve. There is also a really nice game room with a pool table, piano, big screen for watching movies and sweet bar.

It's so insanely nice that I'm driving myself crazy thinking about it. I have to get back there!!


#18 Wed, Sep 15, 2010 1:36 AM

Skis At: Muskoka &McClintocks,Puslinch
Foot Forward: left

Re: Waterski Vacations

Tru Jack - you going?

Jbski -When you going back?

Massages by the dock? That is an extra?

Another question - do they video your skiing? Is this extra or included?

Last edited by Wendeskis (Wed, Sep 15, 2010 1:49 AM)


#19 Wed, Sep 15, 2010 3:36 AM

Skis At: Steilacoom Lake
Foot Forward: Right

Re: Waterski Vacations

Massages were happening both at the ski site and later at the villa, I think it's like $35 - $40 + tip for about an hour massage and worth every penny. We did have one video session that was included, played back and analyzed at the palapa, not sure if this is still the case. Had a little competitive tourney at the end where Gordon divided us into two teams, gave us handicaps and we had a friendly tournament on the side by side courses, was a lot of fun, again, not sure if this is still the case.

jbski is right, plan to tip well - we pooled at the end for Ramon and the house staff (cooks/housekeeping). DON'T get tricked into tipping non-ski paradise staff at the airport or downtown, the locals are relentless in trying to get into your pockets.

Ski hard or save the gas


#20 Wed, Sep 15, 2010 3:24 PM


Re: Waterski Vacations

Digger, that sounds correct on the massages - extra cost, but I think everybody was taking advantage of that service. Gordon still videos at least once per week and would probably do more if you asked.

I'm going back as soon as there is a little extra $ at the end of the year from the company - if not 2011, then 2012. I like to go in the spring when I've wrapped up snow skiing and getting in shape for water skiing. I really want to take my two boys and wife with me. The boys will be in heaven at the lagoon, the beach across the road, plus they want to go into town to swim with the dolphins (also an extra cost, but a lot of fun). Wife will love the villa, palapa, beach, town, and Tres Vidas.


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