I am thinking about moving from my 06 Monza to a S1 but was wanting to know if anyone else had riden these two skis and had a say on the topic. I ski at about 34 - 36 right now dependent on how the conditions are. I handle the course pretty well at 32 and can get through it most times at 34 but wondered if the new ski was worth the extra cash.
If you want to stick with HO try the A1 which most people like better than the S1.
the HO Coefficient X/SL is getting good reviews as well, might be a better ski for your ability level, and a lot less $$$..
Take the money you were going to spend on the ski and go get some good coaching. Will do 100 times for your skiing what a new ski will do. Monza was, for me, a great ski. In fact, I did not ski for two years and just started back this year. I judged a tournament in June. Aside from the kids, I did not see one skier who had picked up even one buoy from when I was skiing in 2008. Not one. They were all riding new skis.
I have 2 days on an A-1 and went from an 05 monza. So I am in the process of figuring the difference. The only thing I can say is I feel like when I ski aggressive the a-1 feels pretty good. I imagine it will take a few more sets before I can really judge the difference.
I haven't picked up the rope length magically like I was dreaming about. (running 38)
Thanks for the replies I figure that ktm300 is right. There are no decent ski deallers out here in Lubbock if you want to even look at a high end ski we have to drive 6 hours to Dallas much less get to demo one. I was curious as to the offside edge that everyone raves about on the A1's and S1's.
I do think the offside will be/ is better than the monza by quite a bit.