i just wanted to put this image up for reference. it's not important what ski he is using or the apparel he is wearing. main thing here is the body position, and transferring of energy to the ski. just looking at the pic should make you want to take some slalom sets.
By riddick51pb at 2008-01-01
something to do is put the ski rope on your hitch and practice matching that exact look of body position whilst leaning away. practice both static and dynamic pulling. hips slightly up, shoulders slightly back to counter the wake area behind the boat. static is where you hang on for a bit in that position, say 30 to 45 seconds and feel the stretch from your trapezius through your arms and on to your lower body. dynamic pulls would be a controlled bounce into that position in the pic. shorter duration, 6 to 12 repetitions each side. be careful though, as i've actually ripped off blisters on my hands just from doing this on dry land.
Thanks for the post. Great picture of Will!
Read http://www.proskicoach.com/articles/sustainable_angle if you haven't already.
Your position sounds perfect, just let go of the load! If you're ripping blisters off your hands on land, imagine what a 350 horsepower boat is going to do to you!!
Bouncing = Loading