Chris and Wade,
I want to thank the both of you for an incredible time my son and I had with you guys last week. Taylor had the time of his life. He hasn't stopped talking about it. It really was one of the best experience I have had. Not just because I was able to ski with you and be coached by you two, but because I was able to do it with my son. Taylor doesn't live with me so I don't see him near as much as I would like. So spending four days in Florida just the two of us, doing something we love doing, doing it together, and doing it with two of the best skiers/coaches on the planet - it was a trip neither of us will ever forget.
By the way Chris, I should not have let Taylor ride in the boat when you skied. He told me he thought I was great. But after riding in the boat watching you ski, he realizes that I "suck". *LOL* We both cracked up when he said that.
Chris, great skiing last weekend! Wade, how did you do at your tournament?
Thanks again,
Garn Arnold
You are a stand up guy and a loving dad. Taylor is a cool kid who has a great role model to look up to in you. Thanks for visiting us in FL and for participating on the forum. Now get out there and start applying your new techniques! We want to hear of your new PB's this summer.