Sum it up for those to lazy to read the article. PerfectPass sells tech assets/patents to EControls (aka Zero Off) to gain exclusive licencing rights for GPS technology developed b EControls. In return PerfectPass will still sell to all "non-throttle-by-wire (TBW)" applications and existing PerfectPass Customers with TBW (ie upgrade).
Perfecpass Press Release … elease.pdf
Aquastar, Inc.'s Zero Off, and EControls, Inc., reach an agreement with PerfectPass … mp;sid=242
As you can see here at PSC and SkiTek, we don't really care about what system is being used. It completely blows my mind how many threads are posted on other forums by skiers who are so scared of change. Thanks for not turning our site into one of those.
If I train in perfect pass switch dos it help me run better with the zero off?