I'm 38 yrs old and I've been free skiing for 25 years. I've just recently started skiing the course (2 times last fall, a handfull of times this summer). I'm currently skiing on a Connelly F1X and I'm up to a full pass at 22' off - 34 mph. How much farther down in rope length is the F1X capable of getting me (barring poor form and technique)? Should I be looking to upgrade my ski soon? Radar Senate, Senate C, Connelly F1? Any thoughts?
The F1X will easily get you through 32 off and into 35 off. There might be other skies that suit you better, though. Not saying that the F1X is bad, just that there are a LOT of good skis out there right now.
Give the F1 a try from your local dealer and compare it to your F1x. If you like the F1 better, then you know that you are looking for a more high end shape. I would then demo the Radar RS1 and/or Senate C and pick the ski you like most out of those three. Shane is right thou, there are a lot of good skis out there right now. If you are on a Connelly, I would think you will prefer Connelly or Radar out of the bunch.