I finally received my RS-1 boots and skied on them today for the first time. The boots perform well so far but I'm getting pressure under the middle of my foot from the center screw mount that mounts the boot to the Sequence Plate. I'm think a pair of Superfeet would get ride of the pressure and provide better performance. Has anyone tried the Yellow Superfeet? I know most guys have gone with the Grey. Where can I find the Gray? I can buy the Yellow direct from Superfeet.
Has the thickness of the Sequence Boot Plate changed? If so when and how do I know which plate I have?
I use the gray superfeet and bought them straight off the website.
As far as the insoles go, all the superfeet colors fit differently. Each one is designed to provide a different level of arch support and have vastly different shapes and contours (even if it doesn't look like it in the picture). If you can, go to your local running shop and try a few on. The place I work at has free shipping on orders and returns (www.runningwarehouse.com) if you can't find them nearby. You can just order a few and send back what you don't like. There may be certain specific insoles for sports like skiing, however, which may be different. Good luck.
Chris, It looks like you can no longer buy the custom fit at http://www.superfeet.com/store they only sell easy fit and trim to fit.
Colin, I don't see the yellow on your site and have yet tio find the grey on any site. I will keep looking and try on what I can find locally.
I just got a email back from Chris Sullivan that said the .125" sequence plate is the current thickness and the .100" is the old thickness.
Trim to fit gray is what I use.
Now I see the mix up, the Yellow is the NEW trim to fit Grey. http://www.superfeet.com/products/Yellow.aspx
do the superfeet go in the hard shell or in the intuition liner ?
I would imagine the whole front section would have to be trimmed off unless one opted for larger boots in the first place or was truly in-between sizes
I am new to the rs-1 boots and experiencing cramping which I believe is the result of pressure from the boots on the back of both legs
maybe the superfeet can alleviate some of this ?
what do you think Chris....
Trim the yellow or gray superfeet to fit in the liner. Did you heat form the liner when you bought them? You may want to do it again and ware an extra sock to help create slightly more room, especially if you plan on running footbeds. Also, the back f the boots are built purposefully stiff to keep skiers from falling out the back. I think you will grow to like this as it keeps you in a better skiing position all of the time. Hope all is well and good luck with the new boots!
Chris can I pre-heat the liner, place the superfeet in it and then put it on and go in the shell ?
hope to see you at Ski Tec next week - happy 4th !
Yes Stefanos. Heat the liner for like 7 minutes at 250, then stick the footbed in, then place the liner in the shell, then put your foot in and make the adjustments to make sure of a perfect fit. I would do one liner at a time. Happy 4th to you and the family!