First off I am new to the site and I love it great info from everyone. I have been out of the course for about 12 years now. I have gotten back into it finally and have notice some changes in form it seems. What dose everyone think is betterto ski old school or westcoast, or is it a mix of both? I am running 34 15 almost all the time. what are your thoughts and thanks in advance.
Old School Rocks!
Hybrid. Take some of the energy conservation principles of the West Coast style and apply them to what you feel is most comfortable.
NEstyle works for me! I would say here at PSC that we teach that each skier must come up with his or her own theory. We teach fundamentals that will help our skiers to reach their ultimate goal of skiing better. If I had to classify us, I would say we teach efficiency, which in my mind is a cross between both old school and West Coast.
Thanks for the help and info. What kind of body poisitions and mixs of old and new do you use? I dont like the theroy of bent arms in the west cost video, but I do like the open shoulders.
straight arms! slow turns!