Looking for some advice on an old ankle injury. Fortunately for me it is not as bad as Chris' latest injury. I initially injured it while riding motocross about two years ago (cleared the doubles and landed in the flats with the balls of my feet on the foot pegs, rather than the arch of my foot). Both ankles were sore for about a year after that, however, I thought I was back to 100% until this ski season. I've been skiing hard this summer, both free skiing and in the course. Just returned from a week of skiing at Lake Powell last week. During the week I experienced pain in my rear ankle while crossing the wakes. I tried taping the ankle and that seemed to help...so I kept skiing. However, It's now Wednesday, I haven't skiied on it since Friday evening and I have found myself limping around the office. The pain is more severe in the mornings.
I'm concerned because I have a week long ski trip planned to a private lake and slalom course the last week of September. I'm paying good money for this opportunity and want to be able to ski hard. I use the HO Approach boots. Thinking about going to see a podiatrist, but if any of you have experienced this I'd be interested in your advice.
Thanks in advance.
I would go see the doctor and see what he/she has to say. Also, sounds like you could work on your stance (boot rotation/spacing) to help alleviate the pain.
If my heel seems to come up off of the plate...thereby creating the extra pressure on the bending of my ankle when crossing the wakes, does that indicate a movement one way or the other for the rear boot placement?