Hi Wade and Chris,
Remember my son, Taylor, who came out to SkiTek with me this spring? Well, this Sunday he leaves for Marine Boot Camp at Camp Pendelton in San Diego. I can't believe my son has graduated from High School already and is about to become a Marine. I'm extremely proud of him but very sad to see him leave. Two weeks ago we took one last boating trip as a family down to Lake Mead and had just the best time. That was Taylor's last boating trip for quite a while. He will come home from Boot Camp in January for 10 days. Then he will leave again for Infantry school for another month or so. Then he will go to his individual training for another 6 to 8 weeks. When he gets back from that he will be taking a religious leave for two years as he goes on his LDS church mission. So its going to be a long time before he does any more skiing with me. I'm going to miss him terribly. I guess my wife is going to have to really learn how to drive the boat now.
i am sorry to hear that he will be gone. Looking at it that is a substantial lenght of time but i think it will fly by for you. We will have to get out in the spring when the ice breaks and ski. I will drive for you or even help give tips while your wife is driving. I have been able to get my wife driving really good know after two seasons of patience. The dry top is working well thanks. Lets stay in touch and like Rossi said hang in there.
Mark, I'll take you up on your offer. I'd love to go with you AND have you help my wife out in our boat. My wife would probably appreciate the help. She... well .... lets just say she doesn't take to me telling her how to do it very well. Heck, I'm new to this driving stuff myself!
Its disappointing to hear that you lost a good ski partner. I know if i lost a few of mine it would totally change how and how much i am skiing
For me and im sure for many people on here can you thank your son for defending our country!
Garn, You are also welcome to ski with me when I need a third on Tuesday and/or Thursday. Any plans to buy PerectPass or Zero Off over the winter? That would make driving a lot easier for your wife.
Garn, I am smiling about your wife not taking your boat driving advice too well - sounds familiar. I let my buddy give my wife any boat driving tips - it works better that way. And I must say my wife has become a pretty good driver. I'm soo glad she's willing to come out and do it. It sounds like you ski on Utah lake? I ski at Pioneer lake north of Ogden but my season is now over due to low water levels-they drained the canal that fills it. But we are going to Powell next week- I'm sure that will be our last outing
Aaron Mason
Hey aslalomboy,
what part of powell? i will be down 16th-19th at bullfrog staying in bullfrog at the lodge. It might be nice to hook up for an early set while my wife sleeps in. Will you have a portable course with you??
Scot, I do plan on puttin Zero Off in the boat during the Winter. I want ZO over PP because I don't want to have to worry about entering everybodies weight and all that. And Aaron, I do ski at Utah Lake. I've heard about Pioneer Lake but I've never been there. Utah Lake is pretty low as well. It normally starts filling back up this time of year. But when it gets really cold, I just don't enjoy it even with a drysuit. Aaron, you ought to take a look at Lake Mead. Both the air and water temperature is about 10 degrees warmer at Mead than it is at Powell this time of year. And time wise, it actually takes less time to drive to Mead than it does to Wahweap because its freeway all the way there. I would be going back down to Mead next week during UEA but instead I have to go to Sacramento for my Mother-In-Law's lousy 70th birthday. DANG!
Garn, I may not know you but I have been where your son is, well ok not the Marines but I was in the Army and well leaving all my ski buddies was tough. But look at it this way, Its a chance for you to get much better and be one more thing you can beat your son at when he comes back home. And dont worry I am sure there are plenty of people that could use a tow or give a tow when you need it too.
Hey MChilcutt, We're on a houseboat based out of Bullfrog. On Monday we'll head down the lake and try to camp either in Slick Rock or Iceberg canyon , then Saturday afternoon head back to the marina , so if you see the Diamond Sunrise with a blue/white 196 nautique, that's me. I don't have a portable course but I'd be glad to meet you and ski if time permits. Garn, I've never been to Lake Mead, but the warmer water and air does sound sweet about now! But I do enjoy this time of year at Powell for hiking and sightseeing .
Garn, sorry I didn't read this post earlier to give you the heads up, but next time you are visiting the mother-in-law in Sacramento, check out Sunset Ranch Ski lake in Galt (http://www.skisunsetranch.com/index.html). Galt is about 20 minutes south of Sacramento and for $700 you can ski Wed thru Sat on their private man-made lake, 3 sets each day. Price includes boat, gas, rated driver, and coaching. My wife and I stayed there in late September and had an absolute blast!!
I'll keep that in mind TJO. I also know that Marcus Brown and Terry Winter ski in Sacramento. I've actually emailed Marcus about some coaching when I go to Sacramento. I brought it up to my wife before we left this last time. She quickly told me that I would not have time - that this was a no-skiing trip.
Well, your son has a friend in SD. Glad to hear he is going on a mission. I am LDS, and live in SD, but Lake Elsinore has a slalom course that is only about an hour from where he will be. I am sure that he will be coming back home whenever he gets a break, but just wanted you to know there is someone in SD looking out for him. I ditto the previous comment about appreciating his choice to serve in the military.
Last edited by wytechnology (Thu, Nov 27, 2008 6:13 AM)
Thanks for that Sean.