OK i am 38 yrs young and finishing my second season of course skiing. This year i started running -28 and scored 3 @ -32 in practice in the last week. My question is what should my expectations be for next season?? Should i be happy if by this time next year i am getting 2 or 3 @ -35??
What is some of your experieces in the progressing in this sport?? maybe someone who is or was a late starter like myself?? I do not want to set myself up to get discouraged next season and hoping for some input.
Thanks MC
Mark, I'm 48 and finishing my third year in the course and I'm still trying to run a complete pass at 34 mph at 15 off. So whatever it is you are doing, I wish I was doing it.
Mark, I'm 51 female and just made the course for the first time this season at 26mph 15off and making it now at 28mph 15off behind a barefoot boat.
At 48years old I learned to wakeboard, trick, slalom and barefooting long line.
Never be discouraged!
Have fun!
ok I can't say anything for the age column I am only a young 26. Although I have been out of touch with waterskiing for the last 6 years or so since I was in the Army. I am looking to back into it and you know even though when I was skiing I think I only completed like 2 passes at 15 off 30mph it was still as much fun as I have ever had. I love just being on the lake in a boat with friends having a great time. So I would say your doing great and keep up the good work. I however have a lot to do in this offseason to try and get ready to hopefully get out there and ski some next summer.
Progress is what makes skiing the most fun, and it's a lot easier to achieve right when you get started! Learning right from the beginning can advance you quickly through to your maximum speed and through 28 - 32 off without much trouble. 35 off the game changes a bit. The more you are able to perfect efficient technique in the beginning, ('learning right the first time') the easier it will be for you to keep advancing. 38 and 39 are pretty much the same pass. 28 and 32 are also pretty much the same pass. You can ski all of these passes with the same efficient style -- but you need to be approaching your 28s and 32s the same way you do your 38s+ ... skiing 38 like 28 will inevitably make the pass feel harder than necessary.
Everyone is bound to hit a few plateaus in their skiing advancements and the better you 'lay your foundation' when you're learning the shorter that these plateaus will keep your personal best on the same pass for an extended period of time.
The more efficient your technique is, the more you will be rewarded by shortening the line -- this stuff is easier to do without all that rope in the way!! Unfortunately it takes time to lay the foundation before everyone can cut the rope in half.
Great to see you all here!
Thanks for all the input it is very valued. I may start looking at a trip to ski teck next season if we cant get another clinic at our home course with Wade. If you are reading this and would like a clinic at your home course i suggest a day with Wade Williams. He stopped at our place in Utah and it was a very relaxing, fun no pressure Clinic which in turn helped me perform to the best of my ability.
Thanks again MC
Mark, thanks for the referral. I had a blast skiing and coaching at all the sites I was fortunate enough to be able to visit this past summer. Great results were the one consistency with different people from different places. I hope I'm able to make a similar trip next summer, but I can only plan a few months ahead at a time and it's too far off to say for sure now.
in the meantime I'll be at SkiTek, and we still have some spots open for this fall. November is typically the best weather we have in Florida during the year... Usually sunny and just under 80! Thomas Moore will be joining Rossi and myself in coaching this fall, so check out the flight details (southwest.com has some cheap options)
Hope to see as many of you this fall as can make the voyage to sunny Orlando!!
Wade, what rates do you have at SkiTek? Do you have room on site?
Anyone interested in SkiTek for this fall can drop an email to infoskitek (at) gmail
Sorry, no accomodations on site... but there are plenty of hotels in the area.
For a little more information check out www.proskicoach.com/training
Wade is the man - go see him!
MC - Impressive...I wish my progression was as fast as yours. I'm a bit younger, but have been skiing a lot longer. I'm heading down to skitek this winter to try to improve my abilities...am running 36/-15 regularly, but am inconsistant at -22. The desire and effort are there, so I'd like to get a foundation to get into -28 in 2009. I have a lot to "re-learn" as I was taught the east-coast style as a kid and have been trying to undue bad habits for a while. No matter the # of bouys gained, however, progress is where it's at...keeps us coming back!
Karl -
Glad to hear that you are coming down later this year. It sounds like we will be able to help you a lot with your goals for next year. You are at a great time in your skiing that you have a lot of potential to learn a lot and take it to another level. Its way more fun when you have a lot of ground in front of you to cover.
I highly recommend getting some sets in with Wade this fall. A few weekends ago I was running my -28 off around 10% of the time. After a weekend with Wade.....I'm running -28 consistently and looking forward to meeting my goal next year of running -32!!!!! It is so much fun making a breakthrough. I have lots of notes in my log to think about over the winter.
Thanks Wade!!! Debbie and I are talking about coming back to see you in the Spring (if we can get kitchen passes ;-).
MC, how often are you skiing to make such quick progress? How many sets per week? Do you ski year round?
I usually get 1-3 sets in per week, most of the time 1 or 2, and in the past 4 summers or so I've only managed -15 at 32mph! We usually can only ski from May-October.
Last edited by Jhughes (Wed, Nov 19, 2008 3:18 PM)
I ski from April to November however April and november are limited due to changing weather. I ski 2 to 3 days a week 12 to 22 passes a day depending on strenght and other members waiting to ski.
We skied yesterday and i was able to run -28 off the dock and got 1.5 at -32.
What ski are you on?
I'm rolling with a Connelly F1X but I don' t think it's the ski that's holding me back!