Hi Chris and Wade Good skiing today!It was neet to watch you guys skiing as I ate my breakfast.I was wondering if you know about the problems getting a MPD here in Canada.My local shop says that the distributor in Canada cannot get any stock becasuse of factory problems.Is this the same for U.S. sales as well?Please if you know anything that may help me get a ski to Canada that would be appreciated.I would like to support my local shop but if they cannot get stock I may have to look south.Have a good ski day tommorow.Cheers Neil
Email me through the contact link and I will try to get you set up. We are a first year company working out the glitches, hence the delays. The train is starting slow, but picking up speed in a hurry!
Hyperactive Watersports in Edmonton, Alberta (780) 454-4600 has two MPD's (66"), (68") in stock, as well as an Annex (67") in stock. Not too far (relatively) from Kelowna, hope this helps. DBG
Hey thanks! the guys from Hyperactive contacted me.Maybe I should take a drive to Alberta.Neil
The drive is really nice, but Greyhound could have it in your hands by noon tommorrow, or FedEx