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#1 Thu, Sep 20, 2007 5:34 PM


Thoughts on Bindings

Hi Guys

Kris Funk and Sue Eckles, who's been down for the past few years and ski'd with you guys during the spring are long time skiing buddy's of mine and suggested I contact you.  I am planning on coming down this year for some help.

I have a general question and was looking for some guidance.  I'm not one to surf the chatrooms, but I decided to poke and probe around for some insight into hardshell bindings.  I have ski'd an Animal with RTP for many years and went to a Draft this year and ended up breaking my ankle a few weeks ago when I didn't come out.  With time off, I'm reevaluating my options for next year.  I am hoping to get on a new ski, waiting for the Connelly to come out, or possibly a Radar or D3.  My biggest concern right now is binding selection which has my mind boggled.  So many people post negative feedback on all the hardshells that I don't even go there now.  My biggest obstacle is that I think I should go to doubles vs. a hard front and RTP (let me know if you agree)...

I basically came up with other than the Powershell, the Reflex, Fluid Motion, and Fogmans are the way to go...with a plethora of debate on each one that has my mind scrambled.  Considering I am going to a new ski very soon, once healed, what's your take/insight/suggestions.

I'm 32, 36mph and dabbling at 35 off.  5'9 and 190lbs.
Johnny in Nebraska


#2 Fri, Sep 21, 2007 3:18 AM

Pro Skier
Foot Forward: Right

Re: Thoughts on Bindings

You have a very good topic here.  Unfortunately, there is no true answer.  Here are my initial thoughts...
1)  If you have used a RTP your entire ski career, it is extremely unrealistic to think you are going to change to a rear boot.
2)  For RTP skiers, I see no downside to the Reflex boot in the front.  That is the system I would use if I skied with a RTP.
3)  The Radar RS-1 boot is being released in the near future.  This boot has an Intuition heat form-able liner that is specifically designed to slide out of the outer shell in a fall.    I have skied the boot, and it is sweet.  After I was done my set, I grabbed the tip of my ski, gave a tug, and both feet popped out no prob. 
4)  Injuries happen.  You might have broke your ankle in any boot.  We will never know. 
5)  I do not recommend changing both ski & boots in one jump.  I would recommend changing the boot first and getting back up to speed.  Then give a new ski a go.

Just some thoughts.


#3 Fri, Sep 21, 2007 2:31 PM


Re: Thoughts on Bindings

Thanks Chris, that helps a lot.  I will keep my eye out for the new Radar boot, that sounds very promising coming from a RTP skier.  I don't blame the Draft binding at all, and I agree that I could have broke it in anything that I didn't release from.  I think if someone is going to run the Draft, it should be a double vs. the RTP.  I love the binding though and if I could go to doubles, it would be a great choice.  I would like to give doubles a shot before I rule them out and Kris has some Fogmans and pwrshells.

What would be your recommendation for a choice and set-up for the Reflex (i.e. mounting the reflex and RTP?) and where can I go to purchase?  I would certainly lean this way or the Radar as I can stay in a RTP.

Thanks a bunch!


#4 Sun, Sep 23, 2007 4:22 PM

Pro Skier
Foot Forward: Right

Re: Thoughts on Bindings

The Reflex boot can be run with a rtp, and can be purchased from Bennett's Ski School.  The Radar boots will be available from your local Radar dealer.


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