For the last 17 days I had my ski partner back home with me - my 18 year old son Taylor. Seventeen days ago he graduated from Marine Boot Camp in San Diego. We went out there for his Graduation Ceremony and was able to bring him home for a 17 day leave. Yesterday he went back to Camp Pendelton by San Diego for Combat/Infantry training.
Chris and Wade, since you know Taylor from when I broght him out to SkiTek with me last Spring, I thought you might like to see pictures of one of our nations newest Marines.
There are no words to describe how proud I am of my son or how much I love him. So I'm not even going to try. So forgive an extremely proud father of showing off his son in a few pictures. I hope I do this image uploading thing right.
Please thank your son for serving our country from all of us here at Pro Ski Coach
As I look at these pics. and read your words , I feel compelled to say; -I am Proud of your son as well...
And I hope everyone who reads this Topic will:
#1. Take a moment and Consider how the Greatness of your Son and others like him is unselfishly given everyday for us and on behalf of each of us to the far corners of the World...
#2. Take one more moment and consider your family in good thoughts and prayer...
#3. To make a huge donation to our Military Sons & Daughters, Every time we see one in the Airport, Mall or on the street by simply Committing to take the time out of our busy schedule (approx: 1 1/2 Seconds) to Smile, Reach out a hand, Look them square in the eye's and Sincerely Say: "THANK YOU"! (who knows, it might be Garn's Son...)
Garn, Along with Your Sons greatness, the title of "HERO" is also in order... Well Done Garn, Well Done...
***the signature below is on all my post's and is for humorous purposes only***
Last edited by h20dawg79 (Sun, Feb 1, 2009 3:28 PM)
Garn - can't possible say thanks enough... to your son for his motivation and to you & your family for the inspiration you must have been.
I travel a lot, and like Dawg recommends, I thank every serving person I can. It makes me feel good because it always seems appreciated and is the least anyone can do.