I want to had a short quicktime to a post how should I do it.
the easiest way to post videos in general, is to upload them to YouTube.com which is now owned by Google, then provide a link to the video, which YouTube easily does...
for example, here's a link to a "Edge Productions" latest trailer from the H2Osmosis King & Queen event http://www.youtube.com/v/D9A59ap1p-0
Thank you.
Any suggestion would be appreciated!!!
See me ski at www.theliquidedge.com, look at the bottom right of the page for Ryker 32, 35, and 38 off
I am getting huge amounts of slack on my onside 2,4, & 6. This is old video, but I am in a rut.
Thanks for any input.
Hi Ryker,
funny how everybody has the same issues. I don't have to post my video since you are skiing exactly like me. I would be interested to see what Chris has to say. Since I am better at seen the problem that solving them for myself here is my 2 cents. Your , our problem seem to be in the last 1/4 of the turn where we hold the handle to high resulting in been pulled up at the wake and losing angle. What I found and tried (read my other post for Chris advice) is really trying to be light on my feet at the end of the turn and push the handle low to my leg. I would suggest freeski to try this , I don't have a course so for me I just concentrate on that for at least 4 outing. To give you an idea on how effective this is I was freesking at 22off 32-34 mph a month ago and was having slack line at 28off so I was staying at 22 off( with the big wake !) and now I run 32off 34 mph solidly and was even surprise by giving 39.5off@30 mph( freeski) a go and was able to ski it smoothly. I am no pro so my advice is from my own experience but the light on the feet and handle helped me and my ski buddy a lot this year. I skied the course for the 2nd time in my life 2 weeks ago and because I was so late at 1 ball I forgot my new found skill and fell back to the dreaded back foot push lean hard and hang on very spectacular for the crownd but worth 0 in term of performance. My 15 off@32 mph looked like 35 off at 36 mph I ran it but boy did I ever worked hard for it.
I think Jerry hit the nail on the head. You are holding too much load in your upper body out of the turn, especially off your 2, 4, 6 side. Get the handle lower and tight to your body, just imagine pushing it down to your thigh. Also, I would guess that your fin was too far back and too shallow.
Thank you Jerry and Chris, I will give it a go!!!
Man I Love to Ski!!!!!!!!!
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