What are you using on your slalom course for buoys? Last year we went with the SkierToSkier polyform ones and I wasn't as impressed with the overtons buoys we had a ways back. Poking around, looks like overton's is now selling "gladiator" balls.
So who do you believe breeds the biggest bang for the buck, buoywise, for balls?
Ahem, that is, Who's got the bestest buoys out there?
Hey guys !!
The real wade williams here..
i find that your local burger kings ball pit has some top grade buoys... try that out ..
signging off
The "Gladiator" buoys from Overton's are junk! They changed their vendor (obviously) from past offerings. We use the buoys from Miami Ski Nautique. They fade just as quick but are cheaper. We've gone to re-painting our buoys w/ plastic specific red paint - much cheaper and lasts longer.