We skied a piece of open water where the provo river comes into Utah lake on Saturday Feb. 21st 2009. Water must have been 38 deg. air temp was 45 deg. Felt good to turn again however i am hoping for several more feet of snow for our snowpack as well as plenty more days of skiing and snowmobiling.
Mark, you're nuts!
Morgan made me do it!!!!!
Feels good today to have those muscles tightened up from a good pull.
I'm shooting for St. Paddy's Day weekend for my first set, on a lake in central MA tbd. Too bad there's no room in my boat budget for heated seats...
The guy i skied with found a heated seat that plugs into your AC adapter for $30.00 at Target , Walmart or Kmart cant remember which one. It is removable light weight and works great. It is a nice addition for the money.
I skiied yesterday on Canyon Lake in So. Cal. The water temp was 56 and the air was around 60. Overcast skys, but all in all, it was nice to be back on the water. Wade, I think a buddy of mine is there with you this week from Tennessee (Dave D.) say hi to him for me if you will.
56 and 60 sounds nice. Free skiing or course skiing?
Course skiing. If you look for www.canyonlakeskiclub.com we have a web cam. You can check out the activity throughout the day. The temps were pretty reasonable! My drysuit seals are toast, so I was in a shorty with a Gooru underneath. It was only cold when I stopped at the N. end. I warmed up after that. Fun stuff!!!!!
Looks like a great site to ski at.
It's no private lake, but it's a great community for a family! Right now the water level is real high, so we have a problem with backwash. That just makes you a better skier right?!
So is Utah lake clear or is it still frozen?
still frozen but not for much longer.
Live camera of Utah Lake. http://www.livelakeview.com/lakes/utahlake/provo.html
Patiently waiting for the ice to melt!