I was trying to figure out if when counter rotating Pre turn through hook up if I should be countering only my upper body and turning opposite with my hips or counter rotating upper body and hips turning opposite with knees and ankles? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks
You should use the counter rotation of your shoulders through your turns to dictate how your lower body is going to be positioned through the finish of the turn through the wakes. Open shoulders will allow your lower body to move with the ski back to the handle as opposed to trying to push your hips and ski through the finish of the turn. Any pressure you put on the ski will only produce down course speed so counter rotating throughout your turn is going to free the ski up to get the width it wants with a smoother arc and finish.
Counter will naturally happen on your on side turn alot easier than your offside. My experience from alpine ski racing tought me that my center of mass (so from my knees to my shoulders) always needed to be in line with the fall line of the mountain.
Waterskiing i focus on my shoulder position during edge change all the way through reloading onto the handle (not to sure what i am doing yet behind the boat this is only my third season). I try to keep my center of mass square to the boat the whole time i am skiing. Naturally tendency is to bank or drop your shoulder towred the wake in the apex of the turn which in turn throws your hips out and the ski no longer has your COM over ski and the ski wont turn.
For a great explanation watch West Coast Slalom or Google Marcus Brown. Marcus has a small video clip that i found online that gives a great explanation on Counter.
Thank you guys! Just so I have it? Your would start your counter with your shoulders and the rest of your body follows outward toward the shoreline and you ride that position all the way back to the handle right? How does the ski turn with just your ankles rolling the edge over. Or does the ski just naturally come around from a proper edge change? Thanks in advance for your help. JR
Try looking at this video clip from Marcus brown.
Happy Turns
Hey Thanks MC! I think the video answered my question. I was making it harder than it is. Cant wait to ski in the next couple of weeks!
Appreciate the response.
Glad Marcus answered your question. If you want it in fine detail i suggest buying the West Coast Slalom video.
If you really want to take your skiing to the next level without paying a lot of money i would consider Virtual Coaching on this site. I had the opportunity to take a clinic with Wade Williams and he knows the game and will hook you up.