I have posted vids on youtube, but they are really poor quality. What is the secret to making them more clear. I have a digital camera with an older movie making program on Windows Vista. Is it my camera, my movie program, or something else?
Thanks. Here is an example of what I am talking about.
First off,
Sorry to hear about your wife separating her shoulder. That sucks.
The quality of the video is somewhat poor -- but I think it would look significantly better if the camera was more zoomed out while taking the picture. YouTube isn't HD quality footage -- but we don't need to be able to count the freckles on your face. With a solid, zoomed-out picture you should still be able to capture the essence of the body position enough so that you and your coach can have a productive discussion and lesson about your skiing.
When the camera is so zoomed in, it becomes distracting because it is hard to focus. If your video is being shot from the shore, I strongly recommend keeping the boat in the same picture as the skier, as opposed to zooming in on the skier only.
When I upload video to youtube I export in "CD Quality" which is about 400 pixels or so wide.
I just edited your post so you can watch the video in-screen -- it looks a lot better when it is this size, rather than blown up to the size it is on the youtube page.
I would still recommend zooming out a hair, but this quality is all we need to be able to coach you.
A couple more guidelines:
-> Send a several passes in with your video
-> Please only send one or less incomplete passes (falls). We need to see you making turns in order to be able to coach you.