Not sure who to thank but this web site is really kicken. I was just looking at the ski log page and i must say what a great tool to have at your fingure tips. Also the virtual coaching is going to be an incredible opportunity to take advantage of IMHO. So i just wanted to give everyone a big thank you for continuing to improve this site.
Happy turns to all. i am heading up for some of the deepest snowmobiling of the year bright and early.
Thanks, MC
Mark, Thanks for your words about the site. There has definitely been a lot of work going into it this winter!
Do us a favor and spread the word around -- to your ski partners, at tournaments, and on the internet. We are working hard to bring you the resources you need to succeed this summer in Slalom.
I'm really excitied about the Virtual Coaching. The rates are $149 for 3 videos, 6 dialog chats, 3 consolidated lesson keys, and a 20 minute phone call with your selected coach. Unfortunately I think people are a little scared to pay this much for this service, but I know that the value of this lesson is worth much more than just $149.
We're talking about giving you an in-depth lesson to bring your slalom understanding to the next level. If your understanding is at the next level, this is the required first step before you can start to ski better. The virtual coaching program is very comprehensive and is designed to leave you without any questions at the completion of your lesson, after your 20 minute phone call.
Purchasing the virtual coaching lesson is by far the best investment you can make for your skiing, next to a trip to your favorite professional coach.
Ski prices are up this year, putting the price of Virtual Coaching at less than 12% of the average high-end ski. I'm not afraid to say that the virtual coaching will help you more than any new ski on the market can.