Hi Guys,
Since you guys had to add my faithful Hammer to your list of skis. I believe something is missing since I can't add my ski to my ski log or proceed to log my sets.
When I look at the other skis models available I see what I should be able to choose the size etc.
When I access the Hammer no choices are given, this tells me that must be missing on your end perhaps?
Snow -
What page are you trying to look at?
We're trying to keep the Skis database to equipment from this century--but I understand there are some hold outs!
You can add the Kidder Hammer to your log by going here:
Right now there is a 66". Let us know what the other lengths were and we'll get it updated.
Hello Wade,
I'm trying to log a set, but it keeps telling me to log my ski. I have done that.
You're a funny guy:o) I love my Kidder:o)lol.......
Sorry, I forget the person name that entered my 66' Hammer in your system. But, when I try to log my set it tells me to choose a ski.
As I try to enter any other type of ski, I see many ski lenghts there to choose from and when I choose one it lets me open another page, etc.
This is not happening when I go into the Hammer ski page.......it stops me from going ahead.
Not sure what's going on.
2000 D3 Hammer
Add this ski to my log:
This is the screen I get when I try to log my ski. I can't click on anything that allows me to proceed.
Maybe I'm blind??
Thank you!
Snow, I think it's fixed now, but you can add your ski directly atthis link:
I just logged the ski and my sets.
Thank you guys!
Hi guys,
I've been logging my sets but when I look at the Ski Log Reader Board I don't see any of my recent sets logged in like everyone else:o(
The leader board only shows the most recent sets. Since there are a lot of folks using the log, you may not see your name on the recent sets list unless you log your set within a few hours. As for the leader board, you'll need to have about 40 sets logged. If you have any other suggestions please let us know!
I thought about it, but since I never seen any of my sets logged on the board it kept me wondering if it was really getting logged.
Anyway, thank you for looking into it:o)
You can still see your saved sets in your archive, correct?
Hello Wade,
As a matter of fact yes I can.
Thank you for assistance!