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#1 Wed, May 20, 2009 11:27 PM

Skis At: 15-28 off
Foot Forward: Left

Separating ski log by season

Is there going to be a way to view your ski log by season?  That would make it easier to compare season to season and also see how many times you skied per season.  Skiing with George at Pangaea Saturday. Not quite as warm as Florida water but warm enough for northerners...

ADK Skier


#2 Thu, May 21, 2009 2:21 AM

Karma:   15 
Pro Skier
From: Lynn, MA
Registered: Tue, May 15, 2007
Posts: 1087
Skis At: Not short enough
Foot Forward: Right

Re: Separating ski log by season

You'll be able to separate by season after the first season is in the books. Lots of upgrade's on the list for next winter.

Keep logging your sets now, because when the cool features like separate by season become available, it won't make make much difference if you don't have a
season's worth of sets saved!



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