I am a 40 yo female needing help with buying a new ski. I am 5' 8" and 140, but having a difficult time trying to figure out the type and length of ski I need. I have only been doing this for a few years, but the combo ski are killing me!
You should be looking in the 65" range for a ski but before a recommendation... How fast and what line length are you skiing at. I'm guessing on a combo ski you are around 28 mph and long line in which case i would recommend a shaped ski like the Radar Lyric or some other variation of that.
yes, 28-30mph and a long line. thank you for your help!
Yes, I would look at something along the lines of a 65 Radar Lyric or Senate. They're essentially the same ski design, but the Lyric is a little softer.
does it matter that my left foot is forward when choosing a binding? or is a rear toe plate better?
Most of your bindings won't matter. I'd suggest something along the lines of the Radar Rail or Lyric binding. They're very user friendly and very comfortable. We've steered a bunch of people to them lately. I'm assuming by your user name that you're in texas? If so, there's places in Houston and Dallas where you can demo stuff.
Waterski America
Any places in S. Cali for demo stuff?
MissTexas: You're welcome. Come back and let us know what you try and how it feels.
Snow: Sorry, can't help you there. Hopefully someone from Cali can chime in. There's always H2Osmosis. They'll let you keep demo'ing skis til you find one you like.
I think that California Skier in Lake Elsinore has HO demo's and I believe the HO rep lives in Canyon Lake. Cal. Correct Craft in Norco might demo Radar and Connelly. Also there is a local D3 rep that lives in Redlands. Endo's Ski Werks also has a demo program. I hope this helps!!! If you need help with phone numbers, let me know.
I just saw this on the Waterski Forum. I love my MPD! It's very comfortable and predictable!
Radar Skis demo clearance, $299 MPD or Senate-C; $99 Lyric for the lady skier http://www.radarskistore.com/index/1399 … 4086.0.0.0
Last edited by Steven Haines (Thu, Jul 2, 2009 1:26 PM)
Hi Steven,
Thank you so much for your help!
I'm going to contact all those stores and see what I can find.
Yes, I've seen the Radar web-site and the demos on sale, very nice, but the Lyric is too long for me:o(
Thanks again for all the responses!
Your guys are great!
Happy 4th!
Good luck! Happy 4th to you too!