Anyone have any opinions on the difference between HO approach and Animal Hardboot. I have a double animal hardboot an was thinking about making a switch due to back foot ankle pain. Not sure what i would consider, but figured this would be a good place to start. I'm 6'1" 195, 2008 HO Monza 68", 15/22off 36mph, RFF.
I used to be on double Approaches. However, I had significant rear ankle pain with them...especially when crossing the wakes. I eventually figured out that the rear ankle pain was amplified if I tightened the boots real good. After I figured that out I started skiing with the rear laces loose and that helped a lot. I sold them a few months ago and moved to the RS-1's, which I really like and the rear ankle pain while skiing has gone away.
Try loosening up the laces on the rear boot. That will still hold your foot in more secure than an RTP, but will allow the heel to come up off the footbed more freely (which is what I needed).
I would check out the Radar rs-1's as they are the best of both worlds.... (Hard shell/soft comfortable construction)
I am in Animals and tried the Approaches but the XXLs were too small to get on. I think they run to the small side. My wife skis them and likes the feel. They make you flex your ankles forward.
I have the same issue as tjo. I also moved my front binding forward one hole without moving the back binding. I like how it rides, so I was reluctant to move the back binding, but I will try that as well. I need to work on being a bit less bent in terms of knees and ankles, so it doesn't sound like the approach is the answer. If this doesn't work, then I'll give the RS-1's a go. Thanks.
Over the last 4 years, my regular boots have been either Animals or Wiley's. I have thoroughly tested Approaches and Connelly Drafts. I am about 2 weeks into using double RS-1s and don't expect to switch back to the Wiley's. Approaches, and to a lesser extent Drafts, have fairly pronounced ankle deflection forward. The RS-1s feel pretty similar. There is a little bit of freedom backward with that rubber panel but it is not as much as I would have thought it would be. Just a heads up.
My general thoughts would be that if you hand you want to minimize ankle deflection, you'll probably want to stick with Animals, Wiley's, or a Reflex and rubber combination.
Last edited by HO 410 (Tue, Jul 21, 2009 6:09 PM)