I'm re-setting my old ski to give to a friend. I want to start with the stock fin settings before we tune it, I'm just not sure what they are. The database does not list this ski. Can anyone help with this? Thanks in advance.
I'll look in my log tonight after work and see what I have. I remember getting fantastic settings from Matt Rini. You'll like'em.
Added your ski to the database but I haven't found any recommended settings yet. If you have some please let us know!
Ok, here's what I got back in '03 from Matt Rini. These worked great and transformed the ski for me. I can't remember if I had the rear binding all the way back or not, but it was back more than stock.
From Matt...
I would run the fin at 6.850, 2.495 & 0.920
Put the bindings: Front 1 hole back and the back binding all the way
The binding all the way back on a 67" CDX represents 17 & 1/4 inches
from the heel to the tail of the ski. If you are using Wiliey's it may
be different. Put the tape between the horseshoe and the heel rubber to
get your measurement. If your ski is working good then don't mess with
I would put you wing angle about 9 degrees and upside down.
great - thanks for your help.
Similar question:
I ski on a 66" KD CR7 as a trainer before investing big money. I want to replace the fin because I got it without fin foils; I've been skiing on it 'as is'. Is there a recommended replacement fin reseller? What about settings?
Last edited by arturo (Thu, Jul 23, 2009 5:20 AM)